VOLUME 3 (Scrapped, unfinished. Reasoning at the bottom)

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I feel warmth under the hot blankets I'm in. My dream is vivid and filled with warm and heavy colors, and then it all broke apart. I wake up instantly and I see a bright light in my eyes. I squint my eyes and I see now. Oh. It's Lex. "Hi.." I say in a terrible morning voice. "Good morning Jax! I'm sorry for the light! It's just the cabin!" She says in a hurried tone. "Hey..It's alright. We'll maybe get it later." I said. She nodded her head and I get dressed. The next thing I hear is loud banging. "LEX! OPEN THIS DOOR!" Someone said. I quickly rush over to Lex, "Hey! Who is that?" I whispered, "Don't worry, I'll go see who it is!" She whispered back. It seems like she didn't because we were both equally afraid on who's banging on the door. Then suddenly, BOOM! The door falls onto the ground has the silohoutte appears. "Lex.." He says in an angry tone, "Who the hell is this?!" The afro, the jacket. It's James. "Wait a sec..Jax is that you?!" He says. "What's up James?" I say, "I knew it! I've been looking for you!" He says. "Sure." The one thing I can tell is that he's definitely been going places because he is dirty. Speaking about it, I need to wash my sweater too. We're all terribly dirty, besides Lex. She's clean and has so much cologne on her. She can actually be smelled from a mile away! At least the smell is nice. "So we're all here huh?" Lex said. "Seems so." I said, "Alright, Let's get down to business!" I said. I spawn a portal and James's face lights up. "Finally! I don't have to build the portals now!" I look very confused towards him. What does he mean build the portals? "Huh?" I said, "Oh. Alright let me explain. There's something called fragments in the realm. These fragments are often left by a portal user. These fragments are very easy to find sometimes but then again. It's very difficult to make a build of the portal itself." Said James. "Hey guys? We're running out of time!" Said Lex. "Alright, got it." I drag both of them by their shirts and now we're off. They both scream, not expecting it while I'm the one in front. We end up in the candied dimension but, restored? This is way more different than before and now the floor is slippery. I start slipping and grab Lex's shoulder, leading her to fall on me. James is laughing when he eventually falls himself. Already things are looking great. So far, we're already having fun. This is going to be fun for us. I think that until someone arrived. A device dropped from the sky and hit me on my head. "Ow! That hurt." I said. "Wait, Jax. Give me that!" Said Lex. Lex swiped it from my hands almost immediately, "Hey, I wanna see it too!" James said. We all look at the device and it says, "Navigator." It's a dusty old device but somehow it works. I see someone in the distance with a sort of cartoonish type of baseball bat. "Hey! You! The one in the red sweater!" said the woman, Both James and Lex looked straight towards me. "Uh, yeah?" I say, "You've got some nerve trying to run off from me!" Jess said. Oh. It's her. "Well sorry you were working with Magen." I responded. She hit me with the baseball bat. "I was going to caramelize you and then melt you so you can leave you idiot!" She said. "You did not need to hit me with a bat." I said. "Can you two stop!" Lex said, in an angry tone. "Alright fine." I said. "Jax, come here. You need to see this." She said. My face goes from an angry to confused expression. "This navigator has the location of everyone! Including us!" Said Lex, "So we know everyone's location, so what? What's going to happen?" Said James. Thank you James! I was going to say that! I thought to myself. "Well we have bad news. Cyanide's out of the little place that Jax put him in." Said Lex. What?! Impossible! Out of the void structure?! "No way! There isn't a way he got out!" I said. "Guess we aren't going to have much fun are we?" Said James. "Definitely not." I said. "So we're going to ignore the fact that I'm here?!" Said Jess. "Come along if you want! But there will be dangers ahead." Lex reassured Jess. I'm positive that there is no way Trent could've done it on his own. Some other portal user may have gotten him out. I don't care for destroying realms. I'm no destroyer, but nor am I a protector. I'm just myself!

"I'll go." Said Jess. "Alright everyone. Let's head somewhere that can at least keep us a little entertained." I said. I see a world list and it says 𐌔ዐ𐌵ረ𐌔-𐌁𝟐. "This looks interesting. Alright everyone! Jump in!" I spawn a portal and it leads us to a grey world, a graveyard. I get my portal attacks ready when suddenly we all hear a childs voice. "Hello there.." The voice is gloomy is really deep. I get a flashback, a memory? Someone, a citizen. In my vision, they got killed at an early age. I know that kid..It's Rilo. "Hey Jax. Let us get a decision next time?" Said James. "James..Is that you?" The voice said faintly. "James, It's Rilo. I'm Rilo." Rilo said. "What?! The one who got killed?!" He says in a worried tone. "I'm sorry for bothering all of you. I'm part of the lost souls." Rilo says. "So there's a group on this? I ask, "Yes Jax. There is." Rilo said right back. I know both of the women are probably in shock. Because the silence is very loud back there. "Alright Jax. You ready to slay some shadows?" Rilo said. "Sure, James what about you?" I said, "Sure. I'll make sure to aim well." James said. I can't believe that we're all together. Me, Lex, and James. The perfect trio. Did he just say he'll make sure to aim well? Did we finally get all the pieces? Finally. A healer, a teleporter, and a gunsman. All in one team. "Alright, I'll attack left. You get right." Said James. "I'll help with the middle." Said Lex. "I'll accompany Lex," Said Jess. "Alright. Let's do this." We all start attacking our respective sides until I hear something open. A portal opens close to here, and then suddenly. I just can't move my body. Is it out of fear? Why am I just standing here?! I need to move! I can't move. Everyone looks towards me, their voices are muffled. What are they saying. Jess and James both carry me toward a place I could sit. I see white hair and a gold belt. It's Cyanide, but not from our realm. I could finally hear his voice, "Hey. Jax sent me here to find you and take you to safety." I'm confused. "I won't hurt you. Just come with me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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