10. Contract

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Loud voice of the ringing of phone buzzed in the balcony making the sleeping Arushi stirred in her sleep. Slowly opening her eyes she glanced at the source of the voice before shutting it off as she sat up . The bright warm sunrays fell straight on her face.

May was around and so was the heat of Sun.

Admist all this , a ringing of phone caught her attention. Her eyebrows furrowed as she looked at the number displayed on the screen.

"Why is she shree calling me this early?" Mumbling to herself , she answered the call only for a breathless Shreya answering back.

"Hello , ru open the door . I have been ringing the bell from past 5 minutes and why the hell did you changed the pass-" Shreya's rambling came to halt when Arushi opened the door looking at her incredulously.

Passing her a nervous smile she raked her eyes over her bestfriend. Cladded in a night trouser and shirt with an annoyed frown on her face , Arushi looked like she just got up , well that's true.

"Seriously Shree?" Arushi's voice came out grumbled as she turned around leaving her bestfriend on the door. One thing which she totally hated was talking right after waking up , even though she herself found it weird yet she couldn't help but be like this and right now it seemed like there will be a lot of talking .

"Are you going to come inside or should I clos- Arushi's words stopped abruptly as she turned around only to see a grinning Aditya with Shreya who was giving her a sheepish smile but what made her froze was the person who stood on her doorstep.

There stood Advik with both hands folded against his chest as he leaned on her door , staring right through her . Averting her gaze hastily , she looked at her bestfriend with a look yelled of What-is-going-on .

Scratching her neck nervously, Shreya made her way towards her dumbfounded bestfriend as she spoke "Ru go get freshen up till then I will accompany Mr.Raichand and Mr.Singhal " Shreya's voice laced with amusement and haste trying to calm her friend who almost looked at her in disbelief .

"Please come inside bhai , I'll be right back" still glaring at her bestfriend and totally ignoring someone she made her way to her room .

Being completely ignored , Advik himself made his way to the couch chuckling inside. Some habits never change. Arushi being grumpy in morning is one of them .

Its true said , that life is unpredictable. Otherwise who will say that the Advik who was emotionless , cold , ruthless and completely devasted just few days ago will change completely. That now the ones empty and cold eyes will be shining again , with happiness. Happiness of being with the person for whom he has always been living. For whom he destroyed himself , emerging himself in the memories she left behind , whose memories he was holding onto so desperately just with a hope to see her again so that he can make her his again. So that he can stop ruining himself .

"Now you tell me Mr. Raichand, what in this freaking hell am I going to say to my bestfriend when she will ask me that what you both are doing here?" Coming out of his thoughts , Advik looked at a very fuming Shreya glaring at both of them . His gaze diverting towards Aditya who sat there all pale , gulping as he looked down not being able to look at Shreya.

It wasn't until this very early morning when Advik called his bestfriend, desperate to meet his butterfly and spent time with her as much as possible because since now she is infront of his eyes. He couldn't help but just be with her and hold her as tightly as possible to not let her go anywhere.

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