You're Her Secret Santa, Charlie Brown

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It was the last school day before Christmas break. All the students in Charlie Brown's class were sitting, waiting for Miss Donovan to make her announcement.

"Aw! Not an assignment for Christmas break!" groaned the students.

Miss Donovan explained that it was going to be a good project.

"Yay! It's a secret Santa project!"

Miss Donovan told everyone to go and draw a name. There was a fish bowl on a stool with small sheets of paper placed inside. Whichever name the student picked out would be giving a special Christmas gift to that very someone without telling them it's from them, and the recipient has to guess who the gift is from.

Over in Linus' class, Miss Othmar had the same assignment for her students.

"Yay! We get to be secret Santas!" cheered the students.

Miss Othmar called Sally out first.

"Yes, Miss Othmar!" said Sally.

Sally walked over to the fish bowl to draw out a name. Whatever name she would draw out, she had to give to that person without telling them she'd be giving it to them.

"Oh, please be my sweet babboo! Please!" thought Sally.

Sally pulled out a piece of paper, and read what it said.

"Linus van Pelt." Sally thought. "Yay! I'm the secret Santa of my sweet babboo!"

Linus was next. He walked over to the bowl and pulled out a piece of paper. Linus read it.

"Janice Emmons." Thought Linus. "I don't believe it! I'm the secret Santa of Janice! Now, what kind of gift could I get for her?"

Back at Charlie Brown's class, Violet was the first one up. She walked over to the bowl.

"Don't be a boy! Don't be a boy!" thought Violet.

Violet pulled out a name, and she read.

"Schroeder." Thought Violet.

"Oh, good grief!" Violet groaned out loud.

"Quiet, you blockhead!" thought Violet. "Getting a gift for Schroeder might be fascinating."

Next up was Schroeder.

"Don't be Lucy! Don't be Lucy!" thought Schroeder.

Schroeder pulled out a name, and read it.

"Lucy van Pelt." Thought Schroeder.

"Oh good grief!" he groaned out loud.

Every other student pulled out a name, all except for one, and that student was.....

"Charlie Brown! It's your turn!" called Lucy.

"Me?! Oh, of course!"

Charlie Brown walked over to the bowl where there was one name left. Charlie Brown pulled it out and read.

"Heather Wold." Thought Charlie Brown. "I don't believe it! This could be the best Christmas ever! I'm her secret Santa!"

Charlie Brown walked out of school, thankful that his Christmas holidays had started, and especially thankful that he was the secret Santa for the redhead of his dreams.

"I still can't believe I'm her secret Santa!" Charlie Brown said to himself. "It's fascinating and all, but there's just one problem. I don't know what to get her! Hmm.... I could duck over to her psychiatry booth for some useful advice."

Charlie Brown walked over to Heather's Psychiatry Booth, and much to his surprise, Heather wasn't there. The sign at the front read: "THE DOCTOR IS OUT".

You're Her Secret Santa, Charlie BrownWhere stories live. Discover now