Y/N Info

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 Diagram made by me :))))))

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Diagram made by me :))))))

Outfit : The outfit consists of a full length black shirt and some jean shorts that sit an inch above the knee
(I really tried to keep it basic and neutral)
Bathing suit: something light 🤪

Jewelry : Simple star necklace you found shopping and have loved ever since. Charm bracelet was gifted to you by close friends and family before you went to the show so you can remember them all and have something to be reminded of for when you get homesick. (Keep note that you're sentimental over this)

Backpack: Just a basic brown back to hold the goods shown!
- IPod : (an essential since you're obsessed with your music) contains some of your favorite artists and you'd absolutely be lost without it.
- Notebook : You actually have two of the same one since you were in paranoid someone would find the one with your innermost thoughts so you made a replica filled with doodles and drawings
- Pens and markers
-beads/thread: very into arts n crafts and wanted to make stuff for others to pass time
-camera: to capture some memories!
-Uno : a classic
- Teddy Bear: A piece of home to help you sleep at night

* There are miscellaneous items in the diagram as well. This is just so you can get an overall sense of what your character is going to be like for the story it just shows the vibes.*

Please feel free to change anything you don't like. Your appearance is obviously going to be your own which is why I didn't write it into this description. I added the diagram just so I can help give a visualization of the type of person I'm trying to convey for the story.


- Y/N is more of an introvert but will become extroverted if comfortable enough.
- artsy type person
- wants money to help get them through college
- lowkey comedian
- emotional
- has a bunch of anxiety
- fiesty
- athletic (only because they played soccer in high school)
- imaginative
- determined
- Small attention span
- Could Say a mixture of  Zoey, Beth, Dawn, Sammy. In terms of personality where they can come off as an underdog but will kick ass when it's time. Trying their best to fit and find trust in themselves. Might lack confidence but tries their best!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03 ⏰

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Summer Loving  ; Noah TDI x F!Reader Where stories live. Discover now