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Haha funny story, I was diagnosed with a sleep disorder in November after struggling with it unknowingly for give or take 18 months. Turns out I'm not crazy and falling asleep against your will multiple times a day is actually not a good or normal thing.

So permit me to write the puppet like a sap as I need this right now lol. Yes these are in fact all things I experienced but I am medicated for them now hooray!

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One task, that was all you'd managed to get through today. You felt sick and heavy, opting to sit on the cold ground before your body made you, it was a battle to stay awake as sleep attacked you again.

It was only early afternoon and you'd struggled through your one task of sweeping, you were certain everyone at the hotel thought you to be lazy, even if they'd all told you otherwise.

You'd been sick like this for a long time, long before the petrification disease and long before the puppet frenzy, both events having a negative effect on the way you'd usually manage your symptoms.

And while you appreciated the sanctity you'd been spared at Hotel Krat, the nagging feeling of needing to repay Lady Antonia for her kindness was not helping your case.

You sat with your head in your hands, slipping in and out of consciousness, losing the battle again. Usually Sophia or Polendina would find you, send you to your room to rest and that would be it for the day, once you were in bed you found it hard to do much of anything else. Which you supposed was good for your body but it made your emotional well-being an absolute wreck.

Lady Antonia had asked you time and time again to be kinder to yourself, to feel accomplished of the things you could do and that you were welcome here no matter how sick you were, and she would know a thing or two about being sick.

But, you had a habit of being nasty to yourself, and with your sleep related illness only seeming to get worse you couldn't remember the last time you'd spoken kindly to yourself.

You felt like shit.

A hand at your shoulder, delicate and tender shook you but it didn't do much to rouse you. Your vision swam uncomfortably through the gaps in your fingers and your head was too heavy to lift up. Hands grasped your wrists, pulling gently to reveal your face that was then taken into those same hands, one soft and warm, the other firm and cold.

With the weight of your head now being supported by P's hands you could somewhat force yourself to look at him. His expression was unreadable, as always, but his presence was a balm to your spiralling thoughts.

The friendship of Geppetto's Puppet had been good for you, P didn't care how tired you were he was just happy to see you, he didn't expect anything but your presence and that was something you could give freely, tired or not.

He tilted his head in question to what you assumed to be your position on the floor, slumped over rather uncomfortably.

"It just came on, I had to sit down," you mumbled, he seemed to frown, getting down on one knee and shifting you against him to pick you up.

With you cradled to his chest, he ascended the stairs. You burrowed down against his chest, relishing in how nice it was to be looked after.

It was almost like the trip up to your room didn't happen, one moment you were snug to P's chest, the next you were under your sheets and propped up against the headboard. P took it upon himself to remove his shoes and coat and sit on the opposite side of the bed to keep you company.

"Sleepy?" P asked innocently, you nodded trying desperately to suppress another yawn.

"I-" he started, a thoughtful look crossing his face, "-want to help. How do I help?"

He gently took your hand in his own, his thumb rubbing over your knuckles. The astounding amount of care he treated you with was sure to tear you apart in the best ways, making your exhausted mind spin.

"Just stay here with me for a bit," You laid your head on his shoulder, "I think that'll help."


He mimicked you, resting his head on top of yours, pulling the sheets further up your lap. Doing what he could to keep you comfortable, a concept he was still trying to grasp.

"Thank you P," you mumbled, snuggling closer, "love you."

He pressed a gentle kiss to your head, nose buried in your hair, "I love you too."

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If you would like to further discuss Lies of P stuff with me and get sneak peeks for upcoming one-shots, you can join The Pantheon discord server here: https://discord.gg/MywqfVsQPC

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