Love Should Be Shared

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Oh my god Bloodbrown you are reading my mind ahhhh!!

I bet he would love baking so much, and he takes it so seriously when you tell him the best kind of treats are the ones made with love! I actually have a plot bunny about teaching P how to bake and cook floating around in my notes that I'm excited to get some time to work on.

Okay okay!

✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦

The growl of a stomach and the pang of hunger had initially concerned P, who tugged on your sleeve urgently. As you turned to face him his stomach rumbled again, you laughed at his mounting concern and explained that it sounded like he was hungry.

"You know, like how when I wake up I always have something to eat? Like that." You soothed, the worry lines in his brow settling.

This was something normal, something human.

He was now very excited about the prospect of a new human thing he'd be able to try, and eating was something he'd been longing to do, watching you eat tended to be awkward and everything you made looked so appetising.

"I think I have something in the pantry you'll really like." You beamed, dragging him into the hotel's kitchen.

You swung open the pantry doors and rummaged a bit, P looked over your shoulder curiously. The pantry wasn't filled to the brim but what was in there he wasn't familiar with at all, tins, cartons and baskets full of food and ingredients he didn't know the name of.

"Ah hah!" You cheered, pulling a white, metal box from the pantry. "I promise you'll love these!"

You popped off the lid and inside where multiple yellow discs with brown pieces scattered throughout them, he tilted his head and you waved the box in front of him,

"Try one! They're homemade." You coaxed, not that he would take much convincing when it came to you.

"Home... made?" He took a disc, the paper surrounding them crinkling, you also took one for yourself before placing the box on the countertop beside you.

"It means it was made in the home, I made these ones myself. Some people believe the best kind of food is made with love, which you get plenty of in homemade cooking!" You explained, his eyes widened owlishly, throughly impressed once again by your abilities and your knowledge. You'd said before that they weren't exactly difficult skills to pick up but he didn't know how to make a... wait what is this thing?

"What... is it?" He questioned, turning the disc over in his hands.

"It's a chocolate chip cookie." It was solid in his hand but the surface had a bounce to it, he brought it up to his mouth and was even more eager to try it now that he could smell it.

You watched his reaction closely as he bit into the treat, any hesitance was quickly replaced with pure joy as he rushed to finish the rest of the cookie.

"You like it?" You asked, and you got an enthusiastic nod in response, a giggle bubbling up from P's throat boyishly. "Would you like another?"

"Yes!" He beamed, you held the box back out to him and he took another cookie for himself but stopped short when he noticed that you hadn't done the same.

He frowned, looked at the cookie and then back at you before splitting the treat down the middle and offering one half to you. "Love should... be shared."

You couldn't agree more.

✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦

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