3) How Can I

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Hey beautiful readers,

Here I am with the next chapter. I hope you all will like it .

Author's note
• English is not my first language so please try to ignore my grammatical mistakes .
• my stories are from my own imaginational world. Every character and their names are fictitional they are not at all related to any real life incident or any real life character.
If by any chance, any storyline is similar to any other story or anyone's real life incident so it's a coincidence because my stories are from my own beautiful imagination

Okay so now you all can enjoy reading.

Happy Reading ...

After confessing their feelings to each other. Ruhanika gave him a flying kiss and shyly switched off the video call . Whereas as Aryan who was on cloud nine after realising that they both feel same for each other.

They both were in love. Their first love , their first relationship.

Ruhanika Pov

I don't know but I was feeling mixed feelings. On the one hand I was seriously very happy for being in a relationship and on the other side I was sad for being in long distance relationship.

Because in long distance relationship skin ships are not possible. We need to wait to meet each other.

Ah whatever it is I will wait to meet him.

I went towards the mirror and stood in front of it. I looked at myself. And oh my god I am looking so messed up my whole face is red maybe because of crying and my eyes are red and swollen.

I am literally looking scary. I washed my face but then I remembered how he confessed his feelings for me.  How he said that he is hundred and one percent sure about his feelings.

I looked in the mirror and damn I was smiling like seriously my whole face is drenched with cold water and I was smiling because of his beautiful words. If anyone sees me like this they'll definitely think that I am some stupid.

Hey, don't smile like this I scolded myself. But this smile is uncontrollable. I came back to my bedroom.

I lay down on the bed and opened his picture in my phone and caressed it lightly and said.

"I love you Aryan, meet me super soon, please"

And then I kept the phone and decided to sleep because tomorrow I have to tell Nisha about my relationship. She is the only one whom I can tell about and I really want to tell her.

Next morning

Author's Pov

In the college

After taking the class Ruhanika directly walked towards Nisha's classroom.

Nisha and Ruhanika were best friends but they were having different subjects. That's why their classrooms were different.

As soon as Ruhanika saw Nisha she ran towards her with a big smile on her face and hugged her tightly.

"I am in Love Nisha. I am in love" Ruhanika said by jerking Nisha towards her.

"Calm down.. Calm down, Miss lover let's go to the cafeteria. And then tell me everything about it" Nisha said excitedly while controlling Ruhanika. And they both walked towards the cafeteria.

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