1: Encountering The Goddess

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(Y/N)'s POV)

As I headed to the source of the energy that landed outside of Gotham City, I wondered if it had anything to do with The Joker escaping from Arkham. But I carried on regardless,
I arrived outside the cemetery and stepped out of the patrol car.
The light that landed slowly faded to reveal a strange woman, Reddish pink hair, cat like ears, gold and pink breastplate and brown corset. Brown gloves and long sleeved white and gold frills. White boots, with like silky red stockings and white short shorts. And a cat's tail. (A/N) this is Sol's Calamity Cat skin.)
The woman was looking around,
I used my radio.
'Commissioner Gordon?' I said. 'This is (Y/N). Are you there?'
'I read you.' Commissioner Gordon replied. 'What's your status?'
'I've arrived at the area where that light landed and there's a woman here,' I said.
'Must be a survivor.' Gordon said.
'She has cat ears and Tail.' I added.
'(Y/N)? Have you been drinking again?' Gordon asked.
'No.' I said. 'I'll go and check and see if she's alright.'
'OK, be careful.' Gordon said.
I approached the woman.
'Hey, you!' I called out. 'Are you injured?'
The woman turned round and gasped in terror.
'Who......Who are you?....' The woman asked.
'I'm (Y/N) of Gotham City Police.' I said. 'I don't mean any harm.'
'I don't believe you!' Said the woman backing away.
'Listen to me.' I said. 'I don't want to hurt you. Just come with me and........'
'Get back!' Said the woman as she put her arm in the air.
'Listen to me.' I said. 'You need to come with me and I'll make sure you.......'
Suddenly, the woman blinded me with her strange light to my eyes.
'AGH! F*CK!' I shouted.
As I regained my vision, I saw the woman was long gone.'
'Damn!' I thought. 'Got away.'
I rushed back to Gotham City.

'So, you're saying you saw a woman that looks like a cat human hybrid?' Bullock asked me.
'Yeah.' I replied.
'Load of bull!' Bullock said. 'There's no such thing?'
'You calling me a liar?' I asked Bullock.
'What?' Bullock said. 'Got a problem.'
'Ugh, what's the point!' I said.
I walked away.
After my night shift, I headed back home but then, a group of Joker's goons ambush me and beat me up.
But then, one of the Joker's goons gets knocked out.
'What the hell?' Joker's goon leader said.
There, the woman appears, the same one that I encountered.
'Back away from the cop.' She said.
'Or what, bitch?' Said the Joker goon leader.
'You've just made a bad mistake.' Said the woman.
The woman then starts fighting against The Joker's goons with her unique fighting style.
Afterwards, the woman makes short work of the goons, She looks at me with her hands on her hips, smiling.

Afterwards, the woman makes short work of the goons, She looks at me with her hands on her hips, smiling

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'Now, that's the second time we met.' Said the woman.
'I guess.' I said. 'It is. You did great with those crooks.'
'Well, they're no match for such a goddess like me.' The woman said.
'Goddess?' I said.
'Oh, I haven't introduced myself, sorry ' said the woman.
'That's fine.' I said. 'What's your name?'
'I'm Sol. Norse Goddess of the Sun.' Sol said.
'Sol?' I said. 'I studied a lot of Norse mythology.'
'But that outfit though.' I added.
'It's Calamity Cat.' Sol said.
Then, police sirens are heard from a distance.
'Oh, no!' Sol said, 'I got to go.'
Sol runs off.
'WAIT!' I said. I chased after her.
I chased after Sol from the streets to the alleyways until she flies to the rooftops.
'Damn!' I said.

(Sol's POV)

I managed to flee from the police sirens and (Y/N).
'Lost them, for now.' I said. 'Now to find out what place is this.'
I continued through the rooftops until I saw (Y/N) with the police.
Then (Y/N) spotted me. 'There she is!' He shouted, the police then noticed me.
'Oh, crap.' I said to myself.
I backed away slowly from the edge of the roof and turned to run but then I see a man in a black cape, I screamed and backed away but I slipped and landed hard on my ass.
'No! Please, don't hurt me.' I said.
'I'm not going to hurt you.' The caped man said.
'Where am I?' I said.
'Gotham City.' He said.
'Who are you?' I asked.
'It's OK, Batman.' (Y/N) called out. 'She's not going to hurt you.'
'Is she one of Joker's allies?' Batman asked (Y/N).

(Y/N)'s POV)

'Hard to tell. Sir.' I replied. 'She did save me though.'
I approached Sol and helped her up.
'Saved you?' Batman asked me.
'That's right.' Sol said. 'Those goons wearing clown makeup.'
'Those were The Joker's men.' Batman said.
'The.....Joker?' Sol said. 'Who's this Joker?'
'Joker is that psycho clown who escaped from Arkham.' I said.
'I had nothing to do with it.' Said Sol. 'That damn Loki tricked me.'
'Sol, slow down.' I said. 'Who's this Loki?'
'He's the Norse god of Mischief.' Sol said. 'He tricked me by sending me trough a portal to this world.'
'That's a bit below the belt.' I said.
'Anyway, what's her name, (Y/N)?' Batman said.
'I'm Sol,' Sol said. 'Norse Goddess of the sun.'
'I'm Batman.' Said Batman.
'Now that the introduction is over, we must focus on finding The Joker and send his butt back to Arkham Asylum where he belongs.' I said.
'Right.' Batman said.
'But first we must find out where the Joker is.' Sol said.
'What?' I said. 'Three of us?'
'Yes.' Batman said. 'We must find the Joker.'
'In the meantime, We should rest.' I said.
'I agree.' Sol said.
'Very well,' Batman said. '(Y/N), you take Sol to your house and both rest.'
'Yes, sir.' I said.
'OK.' Sol said.
Batman leaves the scene.

Sol and I went back to the station and we drove in my Lamborghini Countach to my home outside Gotham City.
Sol went in first, 'Very cold in here.' She said shivering.
'I'll warm the place up. I said.
I turned on the heating until the whole house is warm and cosy.
'This is some nice comfy place you have here.' Sol said.
'Thanks.' I said.
I made a drink for myself and Sol as we sit on the sofa.
'You feeling OK?' I asked Sol.
'Yeah ' Sol said. 'Couldn't believe Loki tricked me.'
'I bet he's worse that the Joker.' I said.
'He is. But the moment I return to my world, I'm going to get my own back on that scumbag.' Sol said.
I laughed. 'Hey, if you want to, I can help.' I said.
'Really?' Sol said.
'You help me and Batman defeat the Joker,' I said. 'Then I will......'
'Help Sol get revenge on Loki?' A voice said.
'Odin?' Sol said.
Odin suddenly appears from out of nowhere.
'Loki has been stripped of his powers and he's now banished to this realm.
'You Odin?' I said.
'Correct, mortal.' Odin said. 'Also, Sol has amazing powers.'
Suddenly the TV displays a news on The Joker.
'Who's this?' Odin said.
'That's the Joker.' Sol said.
'Who's that with the Joker?' I said, noticing the figure next to Joker.
'Loki!' Sol said.
'Shit, now we have two pranksters to deal with.' I said.
'Indeed.' Odin said.
'We got to inform Batman.' I said.
'I'm afraid you won't get the chance!' Said the voice. We turned and see The Joker and Loki.
'Joker!' I said.
'Loki!' Sol Said.

End of Chapter 1.

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