The shooting

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(I saw a one shot similar and I thought I might give it a go, worst case I'll just delete this :) )


Since beating Australia in the semi finals for the world cup, the England squad had been getting more hate comments than usual and even some death threats mainly aimed towards Ella due to her scoring the first goal. Due to this, the team had been told to not go on social media as much as the comments and threats were coming more consistently.

Sarina: girls training is at 4 today

Millie: why so late ?

Sarina: the training pitch had something wrong with it, people broke in and left some messages and the pitch is being cleaned up

(Ella and less were talking in the corner of the room until Sarina came in)

Ella: (turning to less) I reckon the messages were aimed at me (talking in a serious tone)

Alessia: Ella, stop taking it to heart, the messages are sent to all of us all because we beat their football team

Ella: have you read some of the messages ? I got a private message from a group saying they would find me and shoot me

Alessia: what? Did you tell Sarina ?

Ella: yh, that's why she's been saying to go on phones less, because it was getting to me and I was paranoid

Alessia: ok, Ella I promise you nothing will happen ok, there is security at the hotel and all the pitches and you are always with people aren't you, therefore nothing will happen

Ella: yh I guess, but I'm still scared

Alessia: that's fine, how about me and you play some games until training to try and get your mind off of it

Ella: ok, yeah

(It is half past 3 now and all the girls are getting on the coach to head to their training pitch, on the way off the coach to the pitch, a small group of people are booing them but security removes them and the girls head to the changing room to put on their kits)

Ella: you reckon people will keep on hating us forever ?

Alessia: no, they'll forget about it soon, they're just angry, even the Matilda's are posting on social media and telling people to stop, so it'll all be forgotten about soon

(The girls all get onto the training pitch to do their training as usual and everything seems normal)

Sarina: ok, great training girls, see you tomorrow in the gym

(The girls head back to the changing room but Sarina calls Ella back to talk with her)

Sarina: have you been going on your phone a lot recently?

Ella: no, I'm trying to stay off of it as the messages were making me paranoid

Sarina: ok good, the police are sorting out the people messaging and I promise you, nothing will happen ok, I know it's not as easy as it sounds but just try to ignore it

Ella: ok, I'll try

Sarina: ok that's all I wanted to say, I'll see you at the gym tomorrow

Ella: see yo- (she is cut off by a loud bang coming from the changing rooms followed by a few screams)

(While Ella and Sarina had been talking, the girls had entered the changing room as usual but the lights had suddenly turned off and when Mary had turned the back on there was a group of 6 men with masks and guns)

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