The second half (7)

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Despite Alessia's thoughts on why Ella shouldn't play the second half, Ella decided she wanted to play on anyway and even when starting to see black dots in her vision, she still didn't tell anyone about it.
The second half had kicked off and luckily for Ella, the player who had injured her in the first half had been subbed off, pressure was put on from both sides but the Germans had started to creep further towards the goal untill one shoots and Earps barely saves it.

Mary: come on girls, don't let them come up here, heads in the game

(The problem was, Ella's head wasn't fully in the game, she had all the events from earlier replaying in her head and she had a gash on her head that she could tell was still bleeding ever so slightly because she had managed to wipe away a little bit of blood that had seeped through the bottom of the bandage)

German: move it (she screams at Ella as she tries to get past her while running with the ball)

(England were on the move up the pitch again and Ella this time was trailing behind, Lauren James and Alessia Russo were up the pitch and James makes a lovely assist for less and she shoots it clean into the top right corner of the net, the girls run into the corner to celebrate the goal and once again less checks on Ella)

Alessia: Ella you sure your ok? You look dazed and you've been hit on the head, this could be dangerous

Ella: yes less I'm fine, be happy, you have just scored a goal for England against Germany

(Now at the 75 minute mark, the Germans are starting to get agitated as they are loosing 2-0, the ball is played through to Ella and the black dots are starting to cover up most of her eyesight and she starts to feel dizzy. She intends to play the ball through to stanway but ends up passing slightly to the left and into a German players feet. The Germans use this to their advantage and storm up the pitch towards Mary, Ella and stanway try to catch up and help their defence but the Germans had already made it into the box, the first shot is saved by Mary but the German attacker had scored on the second shot)

Ella: (to stanway) shit, this was all my fault (looking upset)

Georgia: it's fine Ella we are still 1 goal ahead, are you feeling ok? You seem really out of it

Ella: yeah, I'll be fine, we just need to score again now

Georgia: Ella, don't stress it, don't blame yourself

( Now at the 86 minute mark, the ball is once again played through to Ella and she is feeling more dizzy than before but she manages to play the ball through to stanway this time, she starts running up the pitch along side stanway and zelem and the ball is passed through to James, after alot of saves and shots, zelem manages to get the ball past the line and makes the score 3-1)

Ella: yesss zel (celebrating with her)

Zel: thanks (still celebrating)

(Now at the 92 minute mark with 8 minutes left due to the added time for Ella's injury, the Germans had a free kick from just Infront of the halfway line after a dodgy challenge from Chloe Kelley who received a yellow card, everyone was getting ready for the kick and Alessia was stood next to Ella who was looking pale like earlier and her body had gone shaky)

Alessia: el, what's wrong ?

Ella: uh, nothing less I'm fine

Alessia: Ella no your not

Ella: (the dizzyness really getting to her and the black dots covering more of her vision) yeah I am

Alessia: (Ella looking like she is going to collapse again) Ella your getting subbed off

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