April Fools, Charlie Brown!

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Another morning had arrived, and Charlie Brown awoke. He'd gotten out of bed, and went downstairs to make breakfast. He poured some cereal, and got out a carton of milk. After he'd poured it in, he ate the cereal, noticing a funny taste.

"Huh?" Charlie Brown quizzed. "This milk tastes funny. Hmm..... wait a minute! This is water! Who swapped the milk with water?!"

Sally walked in laughing.

"It was me! I poured all the milk out of that carton and filled it up with water! April Fools, Big Brother!"

"April Fools?!" Charlie Brown questioned, and then, he glared while facing away from Sally.

Later, Lucy stood with a football in her hands, waiting for Charlie Brown to come and try to kick it.

"Oh, Charlie Brown! Oh Charlie Brown!" Lucy said innocently

Charlie Brown arrived to see Lucy tossing the ball up and down.

"Are you ready to kick this football, Charlie Brown?" Lucy asked.

"Not this time, Lucy van Pelt! Every time you do this, you'll just pull it away a nanosecond before I could kick it and I'll just land on my back, injuring it in the process!"

"Oh come on, Charlie Brown! Surely you can trust a girl with a pretty face!"

"That argument of yours is debatable. And my name is Charlie Brown, not Shirley Brown."

"If you run up and kick the ball, I'll let go of it once you come."

"Alright. If you insist."

Charlie Brown ran back as far as he could, and when he was far enough, he ran right towards the football.

"I'm gonna kick it! Straight to the moon!"

But just as Charlie Brown was about to kick it, Lucy pulled the ball away, causing Charlie Brown to flip right up into the sky.


Charlie Brown landed on his back, and looked to the side with anger and a feel of defeat.


"April Fools, Charlie Brown!" laughed Lucy.

Meanwhile, Marcie got out of bed, and put her glasses on. Little did she know that someone had taken away her proper glasses and had replaced them with glasses with jet black lenses meant for blind people.

"Oh no! I can't see! I'm blind! I'm blind! I'm absolutely blind!"

Marcie tried her very best to find her way out of her house, but with her black glasses, it was very difficult for her. She eventually touched the knob to the front door and opened it.

Standing outside was Peppermint Patty. She had Marcie's proper glasses in her hands.

"Help me! I've gone absolutely blind!" Marcie begged.

Peppermint Patty held Marcie's right hand, took off her black glasses, and replaced them with her proper glasses.

"Ah! There you are, Sir! I thought I'd actually gone blind!" laughed Marcie.

"Ha ha! I swapped your proper glasses for these fake black glasses!" laughed Peppermint Patty. "April Fools, Marcie!"

"Good one, Sir!" said Marcie.

Because Charlie Brown was out, Sally was the only one home to make Snoopy's breakfast. Snoopy sat on top of his doghouse feeling hungry. Sally looked for what food to serve her brother's dog. Then, an idea popped into her mind.

"I know just the food to give him." Smirked Sally.

Later, Sally came back with a different dog dish with food inside. Snoopy tucked in, and suddenly...

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