We Need to Talk

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Viv is moeder, Beth is mum.


"Y/N," your mum greeted seriously. "Sit down. We need to talk."

"Um... okay."

"You're in trouble."

"Beth!" your moeder chided, an amused grin spreading across her face. "Come on, be serious."

"Fine, fine," the Englishwoman smirked. "Anyways, Y/N. We've got an email for you. Read it."

She handed you her phone, the smirk on her face growing larger as you read what was on it. "Well?"

"Ah..." you blinked. "Vad?"

Although your adoptive parents were English and Dutch, your biological parents had been Swedish and Italian. Therefore, you spoke fluent English, Dutch, Swedish, and Italian, though you mainly spoke the first of the four. (If you'd like me to mark what language is being spoken along with the translation, lmk.)

"What do you think?" your mom asked, grinning proudly. "West Ham is pretty good, no?"


"What should we tell them, kiddo?"

"I'd love to."


"Y/N!" Lisa beamed, pulling you into a tight hug as you walked through the locker room doors. "Ye' didn't tell me ye' signed!"

You chuckled awkwardly, patting her on the back. You'd never done well in social situations, unlike your very loud English mother and very excitable Scottish aunts. "Hi, Aunt Lisa."

Conversation came to a halt as the two of you pulled away.

"You must be the famous Y/N the Aussie Gunners won't shut up about," Mackenzie Arnold said jokingly, shaking your hand. "It's nice to finally put a name to a face. Glad you've joined us."

"Thank you," you responded quietly. "I look forward to playing here."

Next to you, Lisa was bouncing up and down like a kid on a sugar rush. "Let's get this party started!"


"So, Y/N," Shelina started, tapping the ball to you. "Wanna tell us a little about yourself?"

"Er..." you passed to Kirsty. "What do you want to know? I'm sort of boring."

Shannon scoffed. "I'm sure that's not true. Come on, there has to be something."

"I— uh—" you fumbled with your words. "I— um, my moms adopted me two years ago because... because... I don't know why, actually. And, erm, I go to a public secondary school in North London. That's kind of it."

"That's not all of it!" your Aunt Lisa yelled from across the pitch, startling you. "Tell them about yer' quantum physics and robotics shit!"

That raised some eyebrows.

"Smart and modest?" Kirsty questioned. "Cool."

You averted your gaze. "I'm really not that smart. Just average."

"She's lyin'!" Lisa snitched loudly. "She's a genius!"

"Shut up!"


"Hey, kid," your captain jogged up to you as you exited the building. "Wanna come to team bonding at mine and Kirsty's on Tuesday? At 7PM? We're ordering in."

You shrugged. "I'll have to ask my parents, but I'll let you know."



"Hey, kiddo," your moeder smiled as you climbed into the passenger seat. "How was training?"

"Tiring," you sighed. "I hate socializing."

"You and me both," the Dutch Striker agreed as she pulled out of the parking lot. "Other than that, did you have fun?"

"Yeah," you stated, grabbing your plastic water bottle. "It was nice."

The two of you sat in comfortable silence for the rest of the way home. You were just like your mom in the sense that you both liked your quiet time. Interacting with others may have been a big part of your lives, but that couldn't change the fact that you and her were both introverts at heart.

The Orange Lioness glanced over as she pulled into the driveway. "Hey, sweetheart?" 


"What do you want for dinner tonight?"

"Anything edible."

She laughed. "Alright, schatje."


"There she is!" your mum crowed, enveloping you in a warm hug the moment you stepped through the door. "So, what did you think of West Ham?"

"I liked it," you responded truthfully. "I think I'll fit in well as long as Aunt Lisa stops trying to expose all my secrets."

"That sounds like Lisa," she snickered, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. "C'mon, let's eat."

As you and your parents sat at the table, you couldn't help but say, "I thought the (Arsenal) girls would be here."

Your Mom smiled. "We figured you'd be tired from talking to your teammates all day. Though I wouldn't be surprised if they all came knocking tomorrow."


God, was she right. You were fairly certain the sun wasn't even fully up by the time the Gunners thundered into your bedroom the next morning.

"Åh fan," (Oh fuck) you swore, jolting upwards as the door was thrown open with a loud bang. "Varför?" (Why?)

Kyra jumped onto you gleefully. "First pro contract! Woohoo!"

You squinted at your mothers, silently asking why the hell a hyper-active Australian Midfielder was assaulting you at eight in the morning.

Your moeder shook her head apologetically, basically saying that it wasn't their fault. 

"We should go out later and celebrate!" Katie clapped, smirking at the unamused expression on your face. "First round's on me!"

"No!" your mum protested, wagging a finger at the Irish Winger accusingly. "You will not be taking my underage daughter out to the pub!"



Hope you enjoyed, thanks for reading!

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