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"What the hell?" you murmured, scratching the back of your head as you left school. "93% in physics? That doesn't sound right."

As you began your jog home, you thought about everything from grades to football. When the Jesus frick would you get an offer from a semi-professional or professional team? Your mum, the famed Gunner and Lioness Beth Mead promised you would receive one, and she was not one to lie. Well, not to you, anyway.

Anywho, you'd be stalking her and your mom's email for club offers, seeing as they would receive all offers before you as you were a minor. And there was nothing. Zilch. Nada. Which was a little bit frustrating. 

"Moeder! I'm home!" you called, spotting the Dutch Striker on the couch.

"Hey, kiddo," she smiled, looking up from her laptop. "How was school?"

"Alright," you shrugged, placing your shoes on the rack. "How was training?"

"Good," she scratched her forearm. "Go say hi to your mum, she's in our room."


You trudged up the wooden steps, lugging your school bag behind you. School always tuckered you out. Also, who the fuck decided to live in a house with two floors? Stupid stairs.

"Mum! MUM! MUUUUUUUM-" you yelled, knocking on the door loudly. "MUM- oh. Hi, mum."

The Lioness rolled her eyes at your antics, pulling the door open with her thumb. "Hi, Y/N. How was school, love?"

"Fine," you said. "Erm, I have a 93% in physics."

She raised an eyebrow. "That doesn't sound right."

"I know!" you agreed. "Well, if my teacher made a mistake, I'm not gonna be the one to correct her."

She scoffed. "O-okay, kid. By the way, your mam and I have boring awards stuff to do on Sunday. Are you alright with staying with Millie 'till Monday afternoon? She's havin' some of the other Blues over."

"Sure," you smiled. Although you had an unwavering loyalty to the Arsenal, it was always funny to see your Aunt Millie try her damndest to get you to join Chelsea.  "That's fine, I don't care."

"Right then, off ya go."


"Y/N!" Millie grinned, pulling you into a bear hug. "How are ya?"

"Good," you readjusted the duffel bag hanging on your shoulder. "You?"

"Great!" the Defender beamed. "Let me take your bag- bloody hell, what the fuck is in here?"

You blinked as she hoisted the bag upward with much difficulty. "Not much... just some clothes and stuff for school."

"Why've you got three different binders?" she complained, peering into the contents of the Arsenal bag. "That's too many!"

You snatched it back. "That's called school, Aunt Millie. Guest room?"

"As always."

You re-entered the living room after placing down your stuff. "When are your smelly teammates coming?"

"Twenty minutes," Millie responded. "You should stay outside, they all love ya."

"I have homework," you shook your head. "God knows I don't get anything done when you, Guro, Sam, or Erin are in the room."

"I take offense to that," the center back whined. "C'mon, we won't bother you."

"Whatever," you shook your head amusedly. "I'll just go get my laptop, I'll be back."


"Y/NNNNNNNN," Erin singsonged, skipping into the room. "Your favorite Auntie's 'ere."

You looked up from your quantum mechanics worksheet, squinting at the energetic Scot. "Eh?"

"'Eesh," the Scot cringed, brushing your hair out of your face. "Ye' don't look that great, kiddo. Ooh... quantum physics? I'd be dead too, honestly."


"Y/N!" Sam tackled you, almost knocking you off your seat. "Your actual favorite Auntie has arrived! How are you?"

"Great until you walked in."

Sam gasped, a hand on her chest as Erin and Millie snickered. "You're so mean to me!"

To make matters worse, Guro bounded in like a puppy. "KID!"

"Guys," Zecira chided, reclining on a couch with Fran and Aggie. "Leave her be."

"Lord," you sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose as the Norwegian slid onto the seat next to you. "Save me."

The three new arrivals peppered you with questions for a good few minutes before your savior walked in.

"Jessie!" you jumped up and out of your seat, rushing over and wrapping your arms around your favorite Canadian. "Finally, thank fuck."

The room was silent, all eyes turning towards you.

"Hey, kid," Jessie smiled, hugging you gently. "How've you been?"

"Good, I missed you," you buried your nose into your self-appointed sister's shoulder. "Your teammates have been driving me crazy."

"How come I don't get a hug?" Erin crossed her arms in faux annoyance. "I literally get you the best gifts for yer' birthday."

You side-eyed her. "You forgot my birthday last year."

"Erin!" Jessie gasped, taking off her shoes. "You forgot Y/N's birthday?"



Not me starting a new book with 9 WIP's 💀

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