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I basically had problems with an uncle of mine he started messaging me from when I was about 15 he bought me alcohol and talked to me dirty. I had to get police to him because of sexual harassment. he told my brother he would give him and exhaust of he could have 2 weeks with me, everyone blamed my brother for the way I kept self harming everyday I kept self harming I couldn't talk to my parents I found it difficult but eventually I had to tell them as he tricked me into going to my granny's when she wasn't there he tried to get me drunk and walked about in speedos.. I cut myself stupid and actually ran out of possible space that I could hide I personally want to cut my throat and be done. then ever tusks I told my parents and we got the police, they said they couldn't do anything as I was over 18 when it was reported had I reported at 15 he would have got more than a warning. this man me not trust men I couldn't be alone with mail teachers they made me feel uncomfortable and had more counselling for that.

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