Chapter 23 {Precious Gem- Truly one in a million}

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Anastasia flinches slightly as she is pulled into her father's embrace. She stiffens at his tight hold but the comfort this hug is bringing, makes her slowly relax without the acknowledgement of her brain.

In the corner of her eye, she sees Hunter, Zack and Giovanni leaving for somewhere.

Allesandro slowly lets her go and glances at her face that has traces of tears.

"Everything will be fine."

With that, he slowly and gently pushes her down on a chair to sit.

A minute later, Giovanni returns and in Italian, he tells his father about the conversation between him and Hunter. Allesandro nods, with his hands behind his back and a small frown on his features.

[A.N. Imagine the whole conversation between Allesandro and Giovanni is going on in Italian.]

"I'm going to talk to the doctor. Take her home."

Giovanni looks a little unsure.

"Are you sure that's ok right now, father? The cleaning hasn't finished there. Anastasio is in charge of it. There were about 33 casualties. I don't think it is a good idea to bring Anastasia home right now. And, I don't want to take her to the same place where Arabella is. Anastasia is already mentally hurt and traumatized. I don't want to give Arabella more reasons to hurt Anastasia with her comments."

Allesandro sighs, understanding the situation

"Where is Ermanno?" The older man questions in concern.

"We tried to stop him from participating in this fight but he has inherited stubbornness. Currently, he is with Adriano."

"Can't believe I almost thought that Ermanno would be at 'safe house' away from fight, throughout the whole time." Alessandro shakes his head slowly with a little disapproval yet proud at the same time.

"Do this. Take Anastasia to the Gray family estate. Wanda is still here in Italy for vacations. I trust her and Tristan will take care of Anastasia until we are done here and everything is sorted out.....I'm going to talk with the doctor." Saying this, he walks out of there.

Giovanni glances at Anastasia. Her eyes are closing but she is trying hard to stay awake.

His lips almost curves up in a smile before he shakes his head and crouches down in front of her. His blank facade placed perfectly on his face.

"Anastasia. Let's go." He places his hand on her shoulder and she jerks up, completely awake.

She looks up at him with wide eyes of  albeit of horror.

He blinks as she shakes her head frantically in refusal.

A small sigh escapes out of his lips, freezing her.

"Please Anastasia."

Her lips turns down in slight frown at his use of 'please' in front of her name.

She slowly stands up. Her eyes longingly fixed at the closed door of hospital room where Stefano is kept and being observed by medics.

"You can come later when the doctors allow Visitors."

She glances up at Giovanni and extends her pinky finger forward slowly.


His eyes widens slightly as he hears a soft voice. It is merely a whisper though but it is enough to make usually stoic Giovanni's heart skip.

He takes his own fourth finger upward and locks it with her finger, speaking softly.

"I promise."

She stares at their locked fingers for a moment.

Then she slowly removes her finger and looks up in his eyes. Her brows furrows as she catches a glimpse of loving expression in them. Giovanni is looking at her in such a adoring way like she is one in million to him.

Though Anastasia still does not know yet, but for Giovanni, his brothers and father, she is a precious gem. Truly one in a million.

"Let's get going." Giovanni clears his throat. Like a switch, his eyes turns cold again but this time Anastasia is not scared. Today, she somehow knows that he would never hurt her. Not in a million year.

He grabs her hand and thus, they both walk out of the hospital.

After an hour of drive later, he finally stops in front of big black gates. On the wall, there is 'Gray Estate' carved in a beautiful calligraphy.

The gates open slowly and Giovanni drives straight in.

Anastasia looks around the forest like area in surprise. There are just so many trees and wildlife.

Giovanni drives for almost a minute. At a great distance, Anastasia now could see guards lined up, watching their car closely.

The car finally stops and she looks up at an enormous castle like mansion. It is just slightly smaller than her own family's mansion but it truly looks like a castle from up-close.

She flinches suddenly when a guard approaches her side and opens the door for her.

She sits there frozen and almost did not notice that Giovanni is already out of the car.

He rounds around the car and stands in front of Anastasia. The guard instantly steps back letting him get her out of the car.

She gulps audibly and after seeing a hidden reassurance in his cold eyes, she gets out of the car.

He grabs her hand again and makes his way to the entrance stairs. As he is about to open the grand front door, it flings open and a smiling face of Wanda pops in front of their vision.

"Hey! I was waiting for you so long!" She exclaims loudly while flailing her one hand and her other hand placed securely on her round tummy.

"Come in. Come in." She welcomes them inside.

Giovanni has to tug Anastasia a little because she is anxiously almost unconsciously digging her soles on the floor, refusing to enter.

Wanda takes them to the living room. Little Victor is sitting there and solving a rubik's cube. He looks up at Giovanni and Anastasia curiously.

Giovanni smiles faintly at Victor and ruffles his hair. Victor grins back at him in response and turns his attention back on cube.

"Sit, Anastasia." Wanda smiles warmly.

She slowly sits down and looks at Giovanni who is whispering something in Wanda's ear. She nods her head slowly and glances at Anastasia, meeting her eyes.

"Don't worry, Giovanni." Wanda says silently.

"I will be on my way now." Hearing Giovanni's words, Anastasia immediately stands up.

He maintains eye-contact with her.

"Don't worry. I or someone else will be back by morning to take you back home."

She does not bother to hide the frown on her face.

"You will be safe here. Wanda is like a family."

It still does not eases her tension.

She looks down at the floor in defeat.

Her eyes widens when she feels his hand on the crown of her head. She looks up at him, surprised.

"Trust me. I won't break my promise."

With these words, he walks out from the front door feeling her sad eyes following his back.

A.n. I don't know why I can't imagine Victor as a three year old kid. Idk why he just feels too smart to be a kid lol....

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