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~ Cheating is not a mistake, but a choice ~




"So the girl with whom my future husband is cheating on me, is your girlfriend?" Jisoo stared at Taehyung with furious eyes, while taehyung was bewildered to know this. How can sohee breaks someone's home? And why in the first place she felt necessary to do this?

Feeling ashamed because of his girlfriend his head hung down.

"Huh. I should have already known that cheap people like you who want only money can go to this extent of breaking someone's home." Jisoo yelled at Taehyung who was standing there in disbelief.

What's wrong with this girl? Why she keep accusing him for everything? And if she is rich then why she is looking so down on the poor people? Everyone does have self respect!

Lisa and jungkook was so speechless. Jungkook knows if Taehyung loose his temper and no one can even stand infront of him. He witnessed it! Jungkook also couldn't stand seeing someone insulting his best friend.

While Lisa doesn't know what got into jisoo today. Why is she behaving like a snobby arrogant and ignorant person?

"Unnie calm down you are not in your senses." Lisa tried to convince Jisoo so that she didn't utter anything rubbish.

"No lisa!! I know that girl definitely have seduced my kang that's why he is right now where he is!!" Jisoo outbursted. Then she turned towards Taehyung and pointed a finger at him.

"You know what!! People like you who only want money don't even feel ashamed to warm someone's bed for it!!" She shouted. "Maybe that's what you all get taught since your childhood." She doesn't even know what she is sputtering. She is insulting someone's upbringing. This is definitely not Kim Jisoo!

And that's it. Taehyung now can't control it.

While lisa was trying to control jungkook's anger. He can't see someone humiliating his hyung when he is also a victim.

"Kook please don't mind her.. she is not like this .. I don't know why she is behaving like this.." She was insisting on him when --

"SHUT UP!!" A loud voice of Taehyung made flinch the three person there. People who were passing from there also started gathering around seeing the nuisance.

Ofcource they want some spices in their life which they will get by eavesdropping in someone else's matter.

But ignoring everything Taehyung glared at Jisoo who was standing there glaring at him too.

His eyes turned red because he can't take someone blabbering nonsense for his family. No one will!

"What do  you think of yourself huh!! You rich class people have money so that means you will humiliate or mock other's condition, family, and upbringing!!! WHO ARE YOU???! Who are you to judge me and my family!!!" Taehyung shouted but still tried to control his voice because it will go against his ethics and morals to shout at a girl. This is not what his family taught him.

He closed his eyes and took some shaky breaths. When he shouted then jisoo knew what she uttered because of anger, agony, anxiety and insecurity.

She is now regretting for her words. Even in the wildest nightmare she can't behave like this or blame someone's upbringing. But we can't take our words back. Right?

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