Chapter 3.

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(Catastrophes Perspective)

"Where do I start?" I ask excitedly.

"The training room is deep underground under this building. I will have someone show you the way down there." Welvin said.

"Okay." I said.

"Do you have any more questions?" Welvin asks.

"No I don't think so." I said.

"Okay if you do you can come in here and ask any time." Welvin said.

A women walks into the room, "Please show Catastrophe the training room. And introduce her to the others." Welvin said.

"Yes sir." She said bowing then turning to me.

"Please follow me." The women said and I got up and walked up to her.

I followed the girl to an elevator and she pushed one of the buttons, the elevator door dings and elevator doors closed. I feel the elevator drop down and I see the numbers of what level we are 89 and start to go down.

I look over at the women staining at the elevator doors, "How long have you been working here?" I ask trying to make small talk, instead of this awkward silence.

The women looks over at me giving me a look like, 'why are you talking to me?' I get the message and look away. Maybe they aren't supposed to talk about there work here?

The elevator dings again and the elevator doors open, "Here is your floor. Someone will walk out to meet you." the women said suddenly making me jump.

"Thank you." I said and walked into the new room.

The room's walls is all white and the only thing in the room is a metal chair.

"Please sit in the chair we will be with you in just a moment." A female voice said loudly making me jump.

Where did that voice come from?

I quickly looked around to see where the voice came from, I see a speaker hanging on the wall.

How can they see me? There are no windows in this room.

I look around and the only door in here is to my left, I start to walk over to the door.

"Stop. Please sit down and relax. We are coming out for you." the voice said making me stop.

What is going on?

I walk back to the metal chair and sit down.

The doors open and three women in all white armor from head to toe walks into the room. The armor is all white and they have the number 13 on their masks.

They seem familiar, oh I know what they are! They are the Trinity. I heard of them, they help the people who just turned. I hear stories of people who come out of this building they said that they seen them.

They walk up to me, "Hello." The first Trinity said. "Hello." I said.

"You must be Catastrophe correct?" The second Trinity member said.

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