Chapter 24

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"Go feed the dog, Y/n?" your grandma had asked you many times, and this was the 14th, so you finally decided to stop being lazy and do something. You quickly tidied up your hair, put it in a ponytail, slipped on your shoes, grabbed the dog food, and headed out.

You adored your grandparents' adorable dog, so when you didn't spot it in the kennel, you panicked.

"Pin pon!" you called out for the dog repeatedly, but it was nowhere to be seen. As you headed towards the front of the house, you heard someone calling your name.

You turned to see someone in the distance holding Pin Pon. A sigh of relief escaped you as you chuckled and walked toward the boy.

He was tall with blonde hair, and his smile made him even more handsome. "Hey," he greeted you with a friendly wave, still cradling the dog in his arms and stroking its head. "You're Y/n, right?" he asked, his smile widening.

"Uh, yes, sorry, do I know you?" you chuckled nervously.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm Ryō," he said, extending his hand for a handshake. You shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you, Ryō," you said with a smile, feeling a bit more at ease now. "Thanks for finding Pin Pon. I was starting to worry when I couldn't find him."

Ryō grinned, his eyes sparkling. "No problem at all. He wandered over to my yard, so I figured I'd bring him back."

You nodded gratefully. "Well, I appreciate it. Pin Pon can be quite the escape artist sometimes."

"He seems like a friendly pup," Ryō remarked, scratching behind Pin Pon's ear.

"Yeah, he's a sweetheart," you agreed. "So, do you live nearby?"

Ryō nodded. "Yeah, just a few houses down. I've seen you around the neighborhood before."

"Ah, that makes sense," you replied. "Well, thanks again for bringing Pin Pon back. I should probably get him back to my grandparents' house now."

"Sure thing," Ryō said, handing Pin Pon's leash over to you. "Maybe I'll see you around again sometime."

"Yeah, definitely," you said, smiling as you turned to tale Pin Pon back home.

"You can stay if you want," you offered, turning to look at Ryō. "We don't really have much company except for my grandparents."

Ryō hesitated for a moment before smiling. "Sure, I'd love to hang out for a bit."

Sitting on the porch felt like the highlight of the day. You had been in the countryside for about two weeks now, and everything had started to feel monotonous.

The stillness of the rural landscape had initially been a welcome change, but now it felt like boredom was setting in. You longed for something to break the routine, to inject a bit of excitement into your days. But for now, enjoying the quiet simplicity of the porch was enough to pass the time.

Only this time, you had company. Ryō, who was 17 years old, was there for the summer too.  Having someone close to your age around brought a new energy to the countryside setting.

You leaned back in your chair, gazing out at the sprawling fields as a gentle breeze rustled through the trees. "So, Ryō, what brings you to the countryside for the summer?"

Ryō shifted in his seat, adjusting his position comfortably. "My family comes here every year for a break from the city. It's a nice change of pace, you know? Plus, my grandparents have a farm nearby, so we help out there sometimes."

"That sounds lovely," you replied, nodding in understanding. "It must be nice to have that connection to the land and to spend time with family."

"Yeah, it's definitely a different vibe from the city," Ryō agreed with a chuckle. "But I enjoy the simplicity of it all. What about you? What made you choose the countryside for your summer break?"

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