Am I the Butterfly? Or is the Butterfly me?

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"I thought I’d run away
When you flew over to me
When that strange pull
Seeped into my heart

I know you’re gonna
hurt hurt my feeling
Why are you messing up my heart?
You opened my tightly closed door
And then you left me
(That’s why I’m trying to)

Hurt your feeling
find all your sin and try to
run with all the power
Every night, I try to forget you with all my might
I promise myself several times but in the end, you’ll fly away
like a butterfly

In the end, you’ll fly away
like a butterfly"

Zhi Lian's POV,

Dr Wang Fei was speaking like a professional lecturer but after the anchor told him to speak about the program, he suddenly fainted in front of everyone. Before anyone else could reach there Professor Shi Ying held him in his arms, and carried him to the backstage, I along with rest of the crowd followed Mr Shi, to see what happened to him. One of the alumni members called the ambulance and we took Mr Wang to the hospital. But Mr Shi was all the time with him, I could see a hurting sensation in his eyes. He is always cold to everyone but I don't know why he is so tensed for Fei? He can't be his friend nor his acquaintance cause Mr Shi is a Geography professor and Mr Wang is a doctor and Wang Fei told me that he doesn't know anyone here, judging him from my point of view he is not a type of person to lie on such a thing.
Ten Years Ago,

"Mumma, to whom were you talking to?"

"A-Fei, I was appointing you a private tutor for Geography, you don't even touch your books these days, all you study is science. You have to appear for your school finals next year and I can't bear to see that you score low on humanities subjects and good only in science subjects, it will affect your total score"

"Mumma I don't want a geography tutor, please"

"Stop sulking A-Fei, you have to go there and that's final"

"You don't love me anymore right?Am I that bad?"

"Come here, let me give you a beating, you have became so naughty, I can't control you these days... Do you want to do something good or not in life??"

" I want to be a doctor 😃😃"

"With your current state, you can't be even a sweeper, go study now"

I don't want to go to tuitions, I hate the subject so damn much both History and Geography, they're so boring and irritating. This is just disgusting shit!!! Why God Why me 🥹🥹.

(A/N POV: Wang Fei paced forward and backward in his own room thinking what to do to get rid of the tutor, so he thought of calling Zhang Shuyi her best friend)

Wang Fei: "Hello Shuyi"

Zhang Shuyi: "What happened? Don't you sleep? Why are you calling me AT MIDNIGHT?"

Fei: "Cool down bro, listen to me first, why are you so short tempered..."

Shuyi: "Fine fine, I'm sorry tell me what happened?"

Fei: "My mother appointed a geography tutor for me!!!"

Shuyi: "So what's the big deal in that?"

Fei: "I don't want to go there... I don't like batches and all and I hate the subject geography so much you know that"

Shuyi: "Hahahahhaha(while laughing her heart out)"

Fei: "Sometimes I get a feeling that You're not my best friend you're an enemy from my past life, I will not talk with you go!" (sulking)

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