Huelena friendship :)

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*Okay so I'm using the ship wiki for Ducktales to decide on what I'm gonna write about until  I get requests.*

Lena knocked on the door to McDuck manor. Jeez that place is huge. To her surprise it wasn't Webby or Scrooge who opened the door, it was... uh the red one... Huey, yeah. 

"Oh, hi Lena! Uhm, Webby's not here." Huey said. He seemed more awkward than usual. 

"Kay, can I come in anyway?" Lena responded, she didn't have anything else to do and the nerd wasn't that bad. Huey said something else but she wasn't paying much attention. She just walked in. Huey was walking with her, rambling on about Louie and Scrooge and some argument. And of course it was Louie and Scrooge who had an argument, Louie doesn't have consistent morals and Scrooge is the most stubborn duck you'll ever meet. Lena walked into the living room, Huey stopped talking. He stepped in with her but didn't seem like he wanted too. 

"What's up, geek?" Lena demanded. Huey looked at her, again extra awkward. 

"Louie's sick." He said. Lena was taken aback. Some argument! Huey was a total softy, she didn't expect him to call his little brother sick. 

"Damn." Lena murmured. Huey looked puzzled. A moment later though he burst into an indecipherable ramble. Lena stood there, listening to the duck speak complete gibberish. Until she caught one word, 'krank'. 

"Dude, are you speaking German?" She asked. Huey paused his ramble and slowly nodded. 

"Why?" She asked. 

"I do it when I panic, sometimes." Huey replied. Lena sighed.

"What were you trying to say, in English?" 

"I didn't mean it like evil, I meant ill." He explained. 

"Oh," Lena whispered, "well where is the little con artist?" She inquired. Huey walked over to the couch, motioning for Lena to follow. As soon as she saw him she felt a pang of pity. He looked terrible. Bags of tissues surrounding him, 12 empty pep cans and 3 empty water bottles. He was shivering despite being covered in blankets and wearing his hoodie, that only meant his fever was going up. She'd never seen Louie sick before. 

I hope it isn't always this bad. She pondered. Louie was groaning softly in his sleep, clearly still not at peace. It was hard to tell if he was having a nightmare or just sick, but either way Lena knew he was uncomfortable. 

"Wait," She thought aloud, "why isn't he in his room?" She looked down at Huey, he seemed hesitant. 

"He's grounded again, after the fight... Mom got mad and banned him from electronics, adventure, and his room." Huey sighed, "They won't un-ground him even though he's sick. They thought he was faking, and told me to look after him while they were adventuring." Huey's expression was a mix of unreadable emotion. The only thing she could see was concern for Louie. 

After a moment of silence she spoke up, "Let's clean this up and keep him company!" Huey looked up, he panic shining in his eyes. 

"Oh no, no, no, no, no. You don't have to- I mean-" Huey babbled, making him seem like he'd never spoken before. 

"Nah, it's okay. I don't have anything better to do." She protested, "Plus, how could I just leave  when he looks so miserable." Huey smiled gratefully and nodded. 

"Alright, we should probably start cleaning then!" He declared. Lena barely stopped herself from rudely shushing him. 

And with that they spent hours chatting and cleaning. Until Louie woke up. 

"What's going on?" He began, his voice scratching and low, "What's Lena doing here?" His voice sounded dry, like he hadn't had a drop of water in years. 

"She's hanging out!" Huey announced. Lena smiled, rolling her eyes. 

"Just keeping you company, Greenie." Lena corrected. Louie smiled. They began talking again and, despite sounding like he just got stabbed in the throat, Louie seemed to be enjoying himself. Louie eventually fell asleep again while Huey and Lena continued talking. 

"We're home!" A loud voice interrupted. 

"We're in here!" Huey shouted back. Lena heard many sets of footsteps, all at different speeds, making their way to the living room. Dewey jumped in first, rambling about how awesome the adventure was, followed by Webby, cartwheeling in, singing some new song they made. 

Lena smiled at the sight of Webby. But her smile faded as she heard a small groan from behind her. They'd all been too loud and awoken Louie. Louie sat up on the couch and rubbed his eyes. He blinked. 

"Oh, hi guys." He said. His voice still sounded terrible and despite sleeping through most of the day he looked super sleep deprived. He forced a smile. Lena saw a few suprised faces among the McDuck family, one of which was from Webby. 

She remembered what Huey said, they thought he was faking, and told me to look after him while they were adventuring.

Even Webby thought he was faking?  She wondered. Only Dewey, Donald, and Beakley remained unsuprised. Webby walked over and plopped down in between Huey and Lena. Webby turned to Huey, as the family resumed talking. 

"He's actually sick?" She whispered to him. Huey nodded. Webby looked down guiltily. 

"It's alright Pink, you didn't know." Lena comforted. 

"Yeah, Webs, it's okay. I get it!" Louie joined in, "You just thought I was pulling a Louie." Lena turned and gave him a puzzled look. 

"Yeah, I guess. Thanks guys." Webby said, her smile returning. 

What's "Pulling a Louie"  Lena wondered, but quickly shook it off. It's probably nothing. 

Throughout the rest of the day everyone was talking and playing and enjoying themselves. And Lena realised for the first time, why Huey could be so over-protective of his brothers. 

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