This is supposed to be oneshots but I'm addicted to incorrect quotes

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Webby: Okay. How we looking?

Dewey: Sexy, but not like we're trying too hard.

Webby: You've been spending too much time with Louie.

Dewey: Maybe. He has that effect on people.

Dewey: Thanks, what would I do without you?

Louie: Die.

Dewey: Probably...

Louie: People are like slinkies. Not good for much but make you smile when you push then down the stairs. 

Della: You're still in trouble for pushing Dewey down the stairs.

Dewey: Love you too, Lou. *Limps away*

Webby: A Z is just a sideways N.

Gosalyn: Can you shut up!

Webby: Zo

Scrooge: Okay, I'm gonna pretend to be burglar, and you're going to show me what you're gonna do.

Scrooge: Give me all your money if you want to live!

Dewey: Bold of you to assume I have money.

Louie: Bold of you to assume I want to live. 

Huey: You are either on my side, by my side, or in my fucking way.

Dewey: Wha-

Huey: Choose wisely.

Huey: *Loses Dewey in the crowd*

Huey: *Starts panicking*

Louie: *Loses Dewey in a crowd*

Louie: Fucking finally.

BOYD, being controlled by Doofus: I will destroy your happiness.

Louie: My happiness?

Louie: *turns to Goldie* I'm happy?

Huey, humming to himself: Tale as old as time,

Louie: Memes as old as vine.

Huey, ignoring him: Beauty and the- 

Dewey: YEET

Donald: Let me see what you have!

Dewey: A knife!

Donald: No!

Why Dewey and Louie only have like 3 episodes as the main duo.

Dewey: Hey guys!

Mrs. Beakley: Oh no.

Huey: Who the fuck left them unsupervised!

Scrooge: How haven't they died yet?

Dewey and Louie, in the chandler, off key: I'M GONNA SWIIIIIIIIINNNNGGGG~ FROM THE CHANDLERRRRRRR~ 

Random dude: You're a psychopath!

Louie: He prefers the term "chosen one"

Dewey: *Proud brother noises*



Huey: Life hack: Save some time by crying about multiple things at once.

Boyd: Huey, are you okay?

Violet: Can you recommend any book that made you cry?

Louie: General mathematics 6th edition.

Violet: I just want someone to date me...

Louie: If I was straight, I would date you.

Huey: Same here.... wait, I am straight...

Dewey: I feel like slapping the stupidest person ever.

Huey: Dewey self-abuse is not okay.

Huey: Why aren't the dishes in alphabetical order!?


Violet: Where are you going?

Louie and Lena, leaving after Webby got hurt: .......

Louie: To either get ice cream or commit a felony, we'll decide in the car!

Webby: If you're happy and you know it clap your hands!

Dewey: If you're sad and you know it stomp your feet!

Louie: *Claps and stomps feet at the same time*

Lena: Mood.

Huey: Do... Do you guys need help?

Ducktales oneshots, headcanons, and incorrect quotes cuz why not!Where stories live. Discover now