Chapter 1: Casual Terrorism And Alcoholism

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(Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY, the franchise, IP or series, only this fanfiction, RWBY is owned by Rooster Teeth and all rights to the original series are reserved to them, yadda yadda yadda, all that other legal jazz to make sure I don't get sued to high hell for whatever inane reason.)

First Person P.O.V.

As per my last book, Dizzy's lines will be written in pure italics. (except for text messages those don't count)

Sunday, ??:?? 

The atmosphere is quiet as I ride along in the back of a small truck with a few others, going through a path in the woods towards our intended location, before eventually going a bit off path and coming to a stop behind a hill. 

Our driver, the man who recruited me into this rag-tag group of people, takes out a map of the layout of our intended location, looking over it while we still have time to prepare before we begin with the main part of our task.

I look down at the firearm provided to me by my superiors to use for missions such as these, and for general combat usage, it's a modified AK-74U, the barrel being threaded to be compatible with suppressors and other attachments, every part of it besides the hand guard and magazine painted an obsidian black, with the hand guard and magazines provided to me being painted a crimson red, there is a removable part on the end of the wood stock that contains an extra magazine in case I need it.

I put the gun behind my back using the sling attached to it and look over to my left, speaking to the fellow acolyte next to me.

"Hey, why did we stop right now? Are we gonna go to the facility on foot or something?"

The person I talked to appears to be a girl, the only real notable traits of hers being the white hair on her head and red eyes, that I can barely see through the eye slits of the mask she's wearing, she looks over to me once I ask my question and scoffs before responding.

???: "The boss said it was better to move on foot. So, shut up and wait."


"Okay, no need to be aggressive, Oumdamn..."

I look away from her and down at the floor, twiddling my thumbs and waiting until we receive our instructions, which doesn't take long thankfully, my recruiter getting out of the truck, map still in hand as he looks back at us before talking, with me looking up at him while he speaks.

Recruiter: "Look...There is security outside of the doors. And I heard that the facility has an advanced security system and that the SDC has recently received their own guards to up the defenses of the place. So, it's going to be a fight. Are you ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be."

I unsling my gun from behind my back and hold onto it with both hands, the other members of our group doing the same and taking out their own weapons as we all stand up, getting ready to get out and approach the facility.

Recruiter: "Alright, let's get moving! Be ready in case our element of surprise is not enough! Let's go!"

Everyone (except me cause I didn't know we were going to) shouts in agreement before getting off of the truck, me following them closely as we walk to and over the hill we stopped behind, with us moving in a zig-zag type pattern and making sure to stick behind the trees to help avoid detection as we slowly approach the facility.

As we move, I grab my gun's bolt and pull it back most of the way, checking to make sure that it has a round in the chamber, which it does, before we stop moving around the top of the hill and look out towards the entrance, seeing only two guards outside of the main gate protecting it, but something them.

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