ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 1

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The thumping of shoes echoed throughout the church as the ladylike students walked down the aisle of bright red carpet to fill up the rows of benches, making sure to kneel and motion a cross before taking their seats. Once all of the students are seated and silent, they press their hands together for a short prayer before the sermon begins. The group of girls remain silent and respectful as they spend the next hour or so listening to the priests and nuns teachings.

". . . As a member of this sacred place of learning, you must be modest and avoid hedonism. That will be all for today everyone. As students of this academy, I expect you all to study hard for the remainder of the day."

With the final announcement from the nun, a light chatter fills the chapel as the rows of students begin to exit one at a time. However, amidst the crowd of gracious school girls sit two different from the rest. A h/c haired girl turns to face the girl sat next to her with a mischievous look. A girl with short, blonde hair decorated with bows who shares the same expression. A silent agreement is exchanged between the two and the h/c girl reaches up her sleeve to pull out the unknown item kept hidden beneath the fabric.

In the row in front of the duo sit two other girls, a tall girl with long red hair who is talking to another, shorter girl beside her who wears half of her shorter hair in a lazy bun, standing out with a pretty pink color.

"Miyu, you truly do have such a beautiful voice, no wonder you're in the choir. At times I think you must be an angel sent down to this academy." The red headed girl told the shorter one, Miyu.

A soft blush coated Miyus cheeks at the compliment, "An angel? Oh no, how embarrassing- . . . huh?"

Miyu cut herself off, a look of surprise taking over her previously embarrassed expression.

"Haruna. . . It looks like there's a snake on your shoulder."

At Miyus words the taller girl, Harunas, eyes went wide and her face quickly turned into one of fear, "Huh?! A snake...? I'm afraid of snakes! Somebody, please, get it off me!!"

"Calm down, Haruna! It looks like a toy."

Haruna glanced towards the supposed snake on her shoulder as the shorter girl informed her of her observation with a soft smile. After getting a better look she confirmed that Miyu was right, the source of her momentary distress was simply a toy. Haruna lifts the rubber snake from her shoulder, her expression shifting from fear to annoyance as her brows furrowed, ". . . Oh, you're right. And it looks to be handmade, even cute if I take a closer look. How annoying! Everyone is so ladylike at Arisugawa Academy, so the only ones who would pull such a silly prank are. . .!"

Before Haruna could finish her sentence she is cut off by a mischievous giggle from the bench behind her. The h/c girl shares a sly look with her friend, "Looks like the snake was a great success!"

Her blonde haired friend also chuckles, "Well done, y/n! It was definitely worth all the time you spent making it yesterday."

"Y/n! Miiko! Is this your doing?! You two have been playing pranks like this since middle school, when are you going to grow up?" Haruna turns around to face the troublesome duo with an annoyed look, her tone stern.

Y/n huffed in response, rolling her eyes at the red heads question, "Well, the nun's lecture was so long and boring. She always drones on and on about the same thing."

Miiko smiles with an innocent demeanour, tilting her head and placing her finger to her cheek in order to emphasise the cutesy facade, "I just helped out because y/n asked me to."

"Stop making excuses! Just. . . Listen, alright? Morning mass is a time to reflect on oneself at the start of the day, and study-"

Haruna's stern lecture is stopped by Miiko, "Oh boy. Here we go again."

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