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*after a few hours of being passed out from the injuries he has received from Samuels little posse, he wakes up, it's almost sundown as of now, he brushes the dirt off of his hat and outfit, dragging his bike back to the camp slowly due to his limp, he has pure hatred for Samuel, pure, unbridled hatred, he would do something about it soon, very soon, but he brushes it off for now, making it back to his cabin and sitting down on his bed.*

WOLF: mother... fuckin assholes.


WOLF: fuck.
WOLF: hm.

*As soon as he tries thinking, Dr TC knocks on his door a tad bit loudly.*

*Wolf opens the door, confused.*

Dr TC: hey..uh, wolf, I have a question.

WOLF: ye?

Dr TC: you didn' anything wrong to Samuel right? He's been in his cabin all day and saying you beat him up on the side of the road.

WOLF: no sir, I.. didn't do anything to him, I was just riding my bike and he just...well...beat me up instead of me beating him up.

Dr TC: oh my...that's... horrible!, why would Samuel do such a thing to a.... seemingly young man?.

WOLF: I guess he just..saw me hanging out with his girlfriend or some shit, either that or he told one of the fuckin band members to watch over Salem by the lake at a far distance, im just guessing here, dunno.

Dr TC: well, I guess it's time to set up cameras around the camp, it might help you not get harassed again.

WOLF: alrighty then, well, have a goodnight sir.

Dr TC: you too, just be careful around him alright?

WOLF: I'll try.

*Dr TC leaves, wolf closing the door as he's left to himself to ponder about tomorrow, his indecisiveness on his activities getting the better of him as he sits on the floor, his head down as he thought of riding his bike again, then again, Samuel might swing by and beat him the fuck up again, so either he'll go down by the lake again or ride his bike again, he doesn't know anymore, he's just hurting and tired.*

*Next morning, wolf woke up, feeling better.*

WOLF: god... at least today won't be as bad... probably.

*He got up, putting on his outfit, shoes, brushing his teeth and making himself some breakfast in his cabin, before leaving to go outside and chill, looking up at the atmosphere.*

WOLF: so lovely out... hopefully no one can ruin thi-


*Sam appears, his band geeks next to him, holding up rocks.*

WOLF: what the fuck do y'all want.

SAM: we want you to get the fuck out of our camp.

WOLF: ...can you shut the fuck up.

*Samuel got annoyed, his face scrunching.*

SAM: what did you say.


*wolf immediately pulled out a knife, stabbing sammy in the chest.*


WOLF: ...

*Sam fell to the ground on his knees, bleeding.*

SAM: you...fuck..

*Sam pulled out a gun, now shooting wolf in the stomach.*


*they both fell onto the ground fully, both of them passing out.*

*Hours later, wolf awakes in a hospital bed, bandages on his stomach.*

WOLF: head...what happened?..

NURSE BENDY: you got shot in the stomach.

WOLF: does that relate to my headache.

NURSE BENDY: I don't fucking know, your all healed up, you can go now.

WOLF: are you su-


*wolf just stormed out quietly, running out of the hospital without paying, stealing a car and driving to the camp, his actions only fueled by the smell of diesel and blood in his car, his mind is racing with voices, KILL, MURDER, BURN SHIT, KILL SAM.*

WOLF?: kill....must...MUST KILL.

*Wolf parked his car, immediately going to Samuels cabin and stabbing him to death, nothing could be heard outside but the chirps of crickets, grunts and gurgles.*

WOLF/GOBLINWhere stories live. Discover now