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[Winter and Arte are standing on top of a mountain, overlooking the spanning mountain range in the distance. The two dragons feel the wind blowing at their faces]

WINTER: Up here, we call them winds.

ARTE: [chuckles] It feels great.

WINTER: When I went down to Kalassaa for the first time, I thought I saw a completely different world. I mean, it was unlike anything I've ever seen up here, and I felt different down there. You were right.

ARTE: Right? [a bit confused] About what?

WINTER: You told me Visionary was a city of dreams and aspirations. I saw things down there that I would've never imagined up here. And now that I know what I've been missing, there's a part of me that's not ready to go back yet.

ARTE: Back to Jade Mountain?

WINTER: There is more out there than just Jade Mountain. I think that's what I've been missing for most of my life. Growing up, I was stuck in the Ice Kingdom every day, and then the academy...

ARTE: I'd support whatever choice you make.

WINTER: [smiles] Thanks.

ARTE: I think that goes for both of us. For the first time in my life, I felt no limit to where I could go. I think I'd like to see everything in Pyrrhia, and then journey to other continents.

WINTER: It sounds like a good idea.

ARTE: Maybe it's time for us to be free. Nothing is holding us back anymore. [looks at Winter and smiles] In her dream, she imagined an innocent girl frolicking along the field of dandelions.

WINTER: And she has more than just bleak hopes.

[the two dragons smile, and they embrace]

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