14.1 || EVA

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|| CHAPTER 14.1 ||
|| EVA ||

WHEN THEY SET OFF, it was mid afternoon. The sun began its slow descent past the rooftops, painting the sky a bloody red that faded into the Corrupted horizon. Sulfurous smoke danced into the waning light.

Eva tried to hang back, but with Jade sticking at her side and Bobbi insisting that she couldn't fall behind for her own safety, she found herself suffocated. She could take care of herself; she'd proven it time and time again in battle. Being in constant fight or flight had honed her combat skills impressively—so long as she kept any unwanted possession at bay.

If she couldn't, the biggest risk was the one she posed to them.

But she chose not to argue. She trudged through the snow in silence, letting the crunch of snow beneath her boots drown out her thoughts. Thana's whispers had grown oddly quiet since they left their hideout. It left her brain disconcertingly still, stripping away her crashing thoughts and leaving her in wait for the tsunami that would surely follow.

Maybe after being forcefully ignored during their preparations, Thana had given it a rest.

It seemed like too much to hope for.

"It shouldn't be far," said Bobbi, squinting against the setting sun's glare. "We could cut through the alleyways. Might be more inconspicuous."

She pointed to one between the nearby bakery and a men's clothing boutique. It would lead them away from the still-smoldering historic district and create a wide berth from the empty streets. Mystia followed the gesture with pursed lips.

"Do you remember what happened in the last alley?" snapped Mystia. "We'll stay in the open. Anyone would be expecting us to hide."

A soft huff preceded Bobbi muttering under her breath about Mystia's stubbornness. The half-goblin's ears drooped beneath her crocheted cap.

Eva eyed both of them carefully. Things hadn't been right between them since their reunion, which didn't fit at all with the way Bobbi spoke of their time in the Sanctum. She made it sound like they'd formed a tighter bond than the stitches on Sage's brand-new scarf.

Now, it felt like they were only on the same team because there was no other choice.

It made their walk far more uncomfortable. Petty squabbles would only distract them from their surroundings, or worse, draw unwanted attention. Whether they were overheard by a Phoenix or any other unsavory creatures, they couldn't risk an attack they weren't prepared for.

Eva felt the portal before she saw it. Its magical buzz sent gooseflesh erupting across her skin, forcing her hair to stand on end as if being electrocuted in the best way. The radiating power was overwhelming. Intoxicating. It left a sharp taste on her tongue and the teasing promise that fully consuming it would place every realm's fate in her hands.

She pushed the thought away. She didn't want power. In her heart, she wished all of it had been destroyed when the Barrier shattered.

But the closer they drew, the stronger it pulled.

Bursting color emanated from the portal, washing the buildings in brilliant shades of lavender and teal. But it wasn't their illuminative display that took Eva's breath away.

It was the size of the portal.

She and Bobbi hadn't ventured near it since it formed. While curiosity begged them to take a look, the decision was for their safety. The portal was a train station for the supernatural, with Astraelans crossing over for a peek at previously unseen land.

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