18.1 || EVA

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WHEN THE SUFFOCATING SHADOWS dissipated, the world was as wet as a cave, yet it was not damp stone beneath Eva's feet. Rather, dewy grass squished underfoot, and mud clung to her snow boots like the blood staining Sage's clothes. Was their cycle never ending? From darkness, to darkness, to... once again, darkness. Rain. Gloom.


Eva's companions stood around her, chests heaving from what she assumed was the same adrenaline fueling her weary bones. It was hard to make sense of what had happened in the last few moments. Blinding light. White hair. It couldn't have been Amaya... could it?

He's been tampered with by a god, after all, said Thana in a tone that mocked Nox's slurred rasp. My sister doesn't enjoy loose ends.

And, from what Eva knew, Amaya could track anyone down in record time. She'd found Emrys at the mire and all of them in Hell's bowels.

Unsettlement settled in Eva's gut. Hopefully, removing the stone from Emrys' neck would bring an end to her stalking—or at least delay her pursuits. As much as she hated to admit it, at least with Mystia back at their side, they had a better shot at forming a solid plan.

At least now there was less blood. Fresh blood, anyway. Maroon stains dried on Sage's clothes, Mystia's arms, and Emrys' limp body, but his wounds had been temporarily sealed by radiant magic. They still shimmered brightly, but flickered and dimmed as Sage shifted him in her grasp.

"How is he holding up?" asked Mystia, swiping grime from her wrists.

Sage brushed a lock of hair from Emrys' face. "He's stable, but we need to get him proper healing. My magic won't hold forever."

With a curt nod, Mystia pivoted on her heel. "Nox, watch our backs while we head for—"

Her sharp gasp silenced the group. In the wisps of shadow from Nox's dissipating portal, only three figures and Emrys' limp body remained in Eva's sight. Their ill-tempered Demon was nowhere to be found.

Eva craned her neck from side to side as if he would jump them from another direction, but there were few hiding spots in their new location. Damp, dying grass and the occasional rotted tree were all that graced the landscape. Far in the distance, water lapped at rock, but what she assumed was the southeastern shore was hidden by the dark.

The world was too quiet here. No breeze. No critters rustling through lifeless foliage.

Months ago, the central woodlands of Astraela had still teemed with life. The Luxanima Guild had bombed the sky with radiant magic every few days to bring light to their suffering world. Either their powers hadn't reached this portion of Astraela, or it had been a long time since they were last able to penetrate the Corrupted webs.

A body thudding to the grass pulled Eva's attention. As the last strands of shadow fell from where the portal once was, Bobbi knelt on the ground. Her arms trembled as her nails dug into the dirt. Sweat beaded across her wrinkled brow, and her breaths emerged in rattling gasps.

Eva and Mystia leapt to Bobbi's side in perfect sync, but she shooed both of them with a wave of her hand. Standing slowly with rigid legs, Bobbi wiped the sweat from her brow. Her eyes, though narrowed, cast a hollow gaze that sent chills into Eva's soul.

Had the portal done something to her?

"Where the hell is your Demon?" Bobbi asked through gritted teeth. "Don't you keep him on a leash?"

Mystia squared her jaw. "I don't know. Nox should have come through. He's bound—"

"Amaya." Eva choked out the words in a rushed interruption. "I think it was her."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11 ⏰

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