4 ~ 𝑮𝒂𝒃𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒂-𝑵𝒂𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒂

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Friday (The next day)

I woke up from my slumber with a raging headache. I had a small dream in the middle of the night. It was just of my dad. Nothing out of the ordinary.

I took a small shower and brushed my teeth before leaving my bathroom to change.

I got up and threw on a thin black dress I found in my closet. I remember wearing it on my first day of high school, thinking I looked so hot. Damn it must have been quite old then.

I also put on a small, denim jacket on top so that I wasn't showing off my arms too much, actually let me rephrase that, so that I wasn't showing off my scars too much

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I also put on a small, denim jacket on top so that I wasn't showing off my arms too much, actually let me rephrase that, so that I wasn't showing off my scars too much.

I set off to school and I'll be honest with you, nothing really happened. Yet again, I was still getting stared at wherever I approached. I guess the rumours were still going strong.

After my first few classes, I made my way out of my final class which was health and social care  and to my locker to put away my new homework essays and assignments. I turned to leave before I was stopped by a small group of people. I forgot the bathrooms, also known as the main gossip spots, were right in front of my locker.

I recognised one of the girls to be Ashleigh and her other 2 clones. One of them looked new to the group though. Leo. I recognised him because he was in my chemistry class. He sat next to Aiden. He looked to be around 5'7. A little taller than Ashleigh.

"So, Gabriella is it? What's going on with you and Adam Kay huh?" Ashleigh retorted.

"Nothing! He touched me. I didn't enjoy it at all!" I explained. I was so done with everyone thinking I actually wanted him touching me.

"Really because you seemed to be enjoying it." Leo laughed.

"Well I didn't and I would really appreciate if you guys stop with your silly rumours." I said, standing up for myself for the first time in my whole life.

I slammed my locker door shoot and started walking towards the staircase to leave the building to go to walk.

I heard Ashleigh scowl which reminded me that I had something to say to her. I turned to face her before saying, "Oh and you can have Adam if you want. Just because he wants me, doesn't mean you can't have him. I'm sure he'll settle for second choice."

I walked away after my sneaky comment. I usually would never even dare to say something so rude but I just couldn't help it. Ashleigh had embarrassed me and commented such rude stuff on an Instagram post about me. I couldn't help but take it out on her and of course I regretted what I had said as soon as it left my life.

I left the school building to make my way to work. I had another 8 hour shift today and I hate was getting to meet my new co-worker.

It didn't take long before I made it to 'Wards'.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now