Chapter 1 - stolen silhouette

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The moon still sat high in the sky when Hana's eyelids lifted. A deep sigh escaped her throat as she turned her head to the right, seeking the source of the disturbance that had pulled her from her sleep. To her great frustration, it was simply an owl perched on the thick branch she had chosen for her nocturnal rest. Its orange eyes pierced the darkness, staring at her with an almost insolent intensity. With a gesture of annoyance, she shooed it away with a powerful flap of wings, growling as she turned to attempt to find sleep once more. However, closing her eyes seemed to be a futile struggle; they reopened tirelessly, accentuating her irritation. As if the entire world conspired to prevent her from resting.

Fully awake now, the woman with feline features slid slowly from the tree, landing gracefully on the ground with her black boots. Emerald eyes, like jewels, quickly scanned the surroundings, a habit acquired over the years. As a demon who had chosen to coexist with humans, she had grown accustomed to their hostile reception. That was why she had chosen to dwell in this forest that even the bravest avoided. The wild animals living there were known for their danger, and her presence only heightened that danger. However, it was precisely this threat that ensured her tranquility. At least, usually...

Her thoughts suddenly drifted to the young man she had encountered the previous day. Or rather, she remembered the exquisite taste of the red liquid that had filled her mouth. A twinge of regret crept in, regretting not preserving him for a repeat experience."And if...?" she murmured.Her steps instinctively guided her along the path she had taken the day before. After all, she knew the forest better than anyone, having explored every inch repeatedly. Every tree, every branch, every scent was familiar in what constituted her paradise, her haven of peace. The sound of branches and leaves crunching under her soles delighted her, just like the lingering scent of damp earth. The wild animals, accustomed to her presence, considered her one of their own. Hunting and enjoying freedom were her daily routine, with no rules to follow, except the law of the jungle.

As she approached the place where she had left the man the previous day, she now followed the scent of rust wafting through the trees. Suddenly, she changed direction abruptly, heading towards the small stream a few meters away."With this smell, wolves would sense me coming from miles away... I doubt they're not after this body too. The smell of blood is everywhere. I could have perched him high if he weren't so tall and heavy!" she thought.While letting her thoughts guide her, her eyes landed on the stream meandering calmly before her. First, she got rid of her black boots, then her worn high black socks, on the verge of falling apart. She dipped a toe into the water, shivering violently and making the fur on her cat tail stand on end."Damn, it's so cold!" she exclaimed.Normally, she didn't need to wash during the autumn, a time when humans tended to bundle up. Especially since snow was not far away, indicated by the assembly of migratory birds ready to embark on their great journey.

Gathering her courage, she removed her black shorts and tank top, both worn and black, revealing her tan skin and a few scars through the numerous holes. Step by step, she let herself slide into the water as clear as the cold pricking her skin. Pausing for a moment, she gazed at her reflection in the water. Her face, usually clearer, was darkened by dirt and traces of blood, highlighting her bright almond-shaped eyes framed by long, thin lashes.Her hands joined to form a hollow as she knelt, collecting water and began to wet and rub her face, an immediate sense of well-being enveloping her as she rid herself of the dirt. She then proceeded to clean her body, her fingers sometimes gliding gently over the scars, fainter and slightly raised stigmata. She concluded this process by tackling her hair. Leaning her head forward, she let them soak up the water, briefly untangling them with her nails as sharp as they were sturdy.Once this step was complete, she emerged from the water, feeling a slight frenzy despite her superior cold endurance compared to humans. The ambient humidity did not favor her quest for warmth. She hesitated for a moment to put on her clothes, then changed her mind. Dressing while wet would only prolong her discomfort. Moreover, the lingering smell of her clothes constituted too stark a contrast with her own fragrance, a detail that could put her in danger. Moving nude would be more effective in regaining a welcome warmth.Hana resumed her silent walk, like a shadow among the trees. Her bare feet slid noiselessly on the forest floor, adapting to every bump and hollow. She slipped between majestic oaks, imposing firs, and other vegetal sentinels populating this dense forest. Her body seemed to merge with the very fabric of this ecosystem.

Suddenly, an internal cry tore through the calm of her mind. "Stop!" roared her instinct, forcing her to freeze. Despite the distance she had covered in record time, something was amiss. Her senses, sharpened by years of experience, were on alert. Her ears, stretched like antennas, avidly sought the slightest discordant sound. A shiver of anticipation electrified her spine.Cautiously, she resumed her advance, her gait becoming even more stealthy. Each step was calculated, each movement reflected, like a predator on the hunt. The filtered light through the trees guided her to where she had left the man the day before. However, as she approached, a strange unease gripped her heart. She was wary of any anomaly, even if weakness had no place in her repertoire. On the contrary, she stood as the greatest predator in this forest, but even the most formidable predators can sense imminent danger.With instinctive caution, Hana slipped silently behind the last tree, taking the time to observe attentively. Like the day before, the trees swayed gently under the influence of the breeze, and the light murmur of the stream reached her ears. The demon glanced behind the trunk and was astonished to find that, apart from dried traces of blood, the body had simply disappeared. A deep growl of anger escaped her throat, expressing her irritation. Her piercing eyes scanned every corner of the ground, desperately searching for an explanation. No sign that another animal had taken him, not the slightest footprint that could indicate the passage of a nocturnal predator. Nothing."No sign that another animal took him..." she murmured, frustration and incomprehension mingling in her voice.Her gaze sharpened, quickly spotting more traces of blood and footsteps. A predatory smile appeared on her lips."It looks like the hunt is not over," she exclaimed inwardly this time.Convinced that he couldn't have gone far with all the blood he had lost, she launched into the pursuit, feeling a growing excitement. This time, she wouldn't just seek to kill him. No, she planned to play with him, like a cat with its mouse, before delivering the fatal blow.

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