Chapitre 3

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When I left the paddock, I noticed that it was no longer raining. So I decided to walk to the hotel. On the way to the hotel, I thought about this incredible weekend. That's when I noticed I had real feelings for Kimi. He is so calm and respectful. I feel bad for lying to Ollie. Besides, I didn't tell him I was leaving. I'm afraid he'll be mad at me for the next 10 years.

Arriving at my room, I open my phone and see a message from Ollie. He wrote to me: Be careful, he is not trustworthy.
I decided not to answer him, because I'm afraid of his reaction. I fell asleep, for one last time before leaving, in the white sheets of the hotel room.

During the night, I wake up in sweats after having a terrible nightmare.

During that bad dream, I had confessed to Kimi that I loved him, but Ollie had heard everything. He looked at me in the eyes and told me he never wanted to see me again. I looked at Kimi and  then he told me he didn't feel the same way about me and after I woke up.

As the weekend drew to a close, I packed up my things and went to the station all by myself. I had an amazing weekend at the Grand Prix, but I feel guilty about everything that happened with Ollie. But at the same time I am really happy to have met Kimi.

Feeling a mix of excitement and a tinge of sadness, I jump in the train and I'm going back to my mom's house. I put my headphones on and put a random playlist. The music that starts to play is Ollie's favorite tunes. It is called "I'm In Love With My Car" by Queen. Memories of their childhood flashed through her mind as I was sitting alone in the train.

I couldn't help but smile as I thought about the incredible moments I had shared with Kimi at the GP. The roaring engines, the smell of burning rubber, and the cheers from the crowd were still fresh in her memory. It was a weekend filled with adrenaline and love.

As I pulled up to my mom's house, My heart skipped a beat. It had been a while since I had seen her mom, and I missed her dearly. She grabbed her bags and walked up to the front door, feeling a mix of anticipation and nervousness.

Opening the door, I was greeted by the comforting smell of my mom's delicious ravioli. The familiar scent instantly made me feel at ease. My mother appeared in the doorway, a warm smile on her face. They embraced tightly, cherishing the moment of being together again.

Over dinner, I excitedly shared stories of the weekend with her mom. She talked about the thrilling races, the rain they had, and the incredible atmosphere at the GP. But, I decided not to talk about Kimi and Ollie. Her mom listened attentively, her eyes watering because of her husband.

As the evening wore on, I settled into my room, surrounded by familiar belongings and memories of my childhood with Ollie. I couldn't help but feel grateful for the love and support I had from my mom. No matter where I went or what I did, my mom's house would always be a place she could call home.

The weekend at the GP had been a whirlwind of excitement, but coming back to my mom's house reminded me of the importance of family and the comfort of being in a place filled with love. I knew that no matter where my adventures took me, I would always have a home to return to.

I take my phone and decided to call my best friend. I wanted to let him know that I love him even if Kimi is there. Ollie will always be my best friend and and I will never replaces him. But he did answer my call.

Trying not to let it dampen my spirits, I decided to leave Ollie a heartfelt voicemail. I poured my emotions into the message, telling him how much he meant to me and that our friendship would never be replaced. I wanted him to know that he held a unique and irreplaceable place in my life.

("I'm In Love With My Car" by Queen is a real song, it's an old song but really good)

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