Rough beginnings

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Everyone settles onto the sofas. Hades, Poseidon, Apollo and Hermes begrudgingly share one so they can all be closer to Toni who is seated with Stephan, her other soulmate, and her children.

Tv shows a rugged soldier walking to a turned around figure, a bundle of blankets in his arms. Other soldiers are placed around the area, all armed. Stopping at the figure, "General Drekoyv, the mission was a success."

Natasha and Clint inhale at the name, completely taken off guard by what they might see.

The figure turns revealing General Drekoyv smoking a cigar. "Finally. And what did they decide to name it?"

"Antonia Rhea Stark."

Hades glowers at the screen, "HER name is Antonia Stella Rhea Stark"

Drekoyv looks down at the baby with a smirk, "Ah, Antonia. This is going to be fun."

Natasha is completely stunned. Antonia, the girl she thought was Drekoyv's child, the girl who was put through just as much as they were, if not more, the girl her and Clint blew up, was Toni Stark.

Nat forces words to leave her mouth while Clints is still wide open, "You were in the Red Room? How did he get to you? Why did he get you? Oh, god." Her hand covers her mouth, "T-the explosion, I-I How did you survive?"

Toni's eyes darken at the reminder of the explosion, a nightmare she'll never stops having.

"My mother Maria, or who they thought was my mother was a widow before she escaped. And my dad was the smartest man of his time, and to top it off, I was a girl. Why wouldn't they want me?" She spoke bitterly.

"The Red Room basically won the gender coin toss and they were sure as hell going to collect before Hydra could decide to go back on their deal with them."

No one knew what to say, how had they been so oblivious to Toni's past?

Hades mind races, explosion? Red room? Hydra sounded a bit familiar to him but he can't figure out where he knows the name from. He can't get over the fact that he finally gets to know his daughter. He is grateful and a bit excited to watch her life since he wasn't able to be there for her growing up. Though 5 minutes in and he's learning that excitement is the last thing he'll be feeling. He can only hope for the best at this point.

A three year old Toni is seen handcuffed to her bed laying a wake, she listens for movement, when she hears the footsteps fade away and quickly pick the lock on her cuffs. Exposing the scars that already resided on her wrists.

Apollo winces, she was so small and those scars looked to be from at least a years worth of restraints.

"How old were you?" Bruce asks sadly, Toni was his best friend, his science bro. He had seen the scars on her wrists before, he should have asked about them.

Posiden and Hades look up at the question, she looked pretty young but they don't spend enough time with mortals to be sure.

"I was three"

She runs to a wooden part of the floor and reaches under the boards pulling out a toaster. We watch as she sits for hours taking it apart and putting it back together, over and over.

"I can't believe you could do that at three, I probably couldn't even spell my name."

Bucky turns to Sam, "You still can't spell your name birdbrain."

Hephaestus watches with a small smile seeing the child so interested in his craft. If what he heard about her is correct he was excited to see her progress.

Antonia Stark Ironwoman |WTM|Where stories live. Discover now