All Stitched Up-Nathan Omeri

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   I watched as Nathan staked off the ice. He had recently gotten a skate to the face, which forced him to go to the dressing room. Sitting at the ice level, I saw it happen. It was terrifying, seeing your boyfriend get hurt. I quickly run towards where their dressing room is, I show my pass to them, allowing me inside. I walked in to see Nathan getting stitches.
    "Oh Nate, I'm sorry bout that," I said, giving him a hug.
    "Mia, it's not your fault. I wasn't paying attention to the player beside me, plus there was nothing anyone could really do," he responded, trying to reassure me. I honestly felt bad. This wasn't not supposed to happen, and we're only 3 days into the New Year! No one expected an injury this early.
    "Alright Nathan, you should be cleared to play in the third period. For now, just ice it," the medic said, smiling at him. "Keep an eye on him for me will you?" she asked, turning to me. I nodded.
    "I will, don't worry," I replied, smiling. As she left, I turned to Nathan, giving him a kiss. We sat in the comfortable silence, Nathan's arm slung over my shoulder.
     "Thanks for being here Mia," he whispered into my hair.
    "No problem babe," I replied, kissing him on the cheek. I heard the buzzer, signalling the second period had ended. I gave him a quick kiss, then left the dressing room. I passed by him teammates, obviously looking tired. I'm studying at Guelph University to be a registered nurse, so this experience with Nathan was nothing I couldn't handle, but it was still scary.

End of game
Nathan's POV

    We had beat the Peterborough Pete's 2-1. I was ecstatic, having gotten an assist on the first goal, scored by Sikic. I quickly got all of my gear off, wincing at the pain from the stitches. I packed all my gear into my hockey bag, and left the dressing room. Seeing Mia standing there, waiting for me, I smiled as I ran to her and hugged her. She kissed me, but ever so gently, since I have stitches. Since she's training to become a nurse, she's been gentle with any wounds I get.
    I sling my arm over her shoulder, and we walked to my truck. Throwing my stuff in the backseat, I waited for the truck to warm up, since it snowed during the game. As I pulled out, I grabbed Mia's hand. As we drove out of the busy parking lot, we made our regular stop at McDonalds, and grabbed flurries. Driving to our small, 2 bedroom house, we sat down on our couch and watched The Office.

First one, what are we thinking?

WC: 468

I was actually at this game

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