Roof Cuddles and Beach Dates- Cole Caufield

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"Ellie!" What are you doing here?" Quinn had opened the door to see a familiar face, but with a different look.

"Well I told you I was gonna come visit you guys while I'm down for a while," Ellie chuckled as Quinn pulled her into the biggest and warmest hug she's had. She never felt this with Tom, or maybe it was that she used to like Quinn before he brought home a girl that kept insisting they were dating.

"I knew that, I just didn't know immediately," Quinn said softly into her shoulder. "I missed you El."

"I missed you more Hugs," Ellie smiled at her best friend.

"Well, come in. Jack and Luke have Trevor, Cole, and Alex over tonight, so you can sleep in the guest room my mom designated just for you. You were like a daughter to her Ellie," Quinn and Ellie had walked into the kitchen, and looked up from the kitchen. Ellie smiled.

"Well I'm gonna be around more often for the next couple months, so I'll be over as much as possible," Ellie replied to Quinn.

"So let me get this straight: you saw that he was getting cozy with a coworker? And you found out from eNews ?" Quinn gently asked and Ellie nodded silently before being tackled into a hug by Luke.

"ELLIEEEEEEE!!" Luke screeched, causing Ellie  to laugh. "YOU DIDN'T TELL ME YOU WERE COMING," all the ruckus has brought up the other boys, and their faces lit up after seeing their best friend standing in their kitchen. They formed a 'line' to give Ellie a hug, Cole hugging her last as they loved spending time with each other.

"You're back E," Cole said smiling into her shoulder.

"I'm back C,"

Few hours later

Ellie sat on the couch with the boys, her feet on Jacks lap and her head laying on Cole's lap. The boys were playing NHL 24, and they were yelling at the TV. Well, all but Cole and Ellie. Cole was playing with Ellie's hair, and Ellie was asleep.

"LUKE YOURE TRASH!" Jack yelled, and Cole slapped him across the back of his head.

"OW, WHAT WAS THA-" Cole pointed down to Ellie, casing Jack to shut up. Ellen and Jim were in the kitchen, cleaning up from the boys lunch. Ellen had told Ellie to go sit down with Cole. Ellen smiled at Cole's love for Ellie.

"They really seem to be close," Ellen whispered to her husband, Jim, while looking at Ellie and Cole.

"Yeah, they really do," Jim replied. Ellen smiled to herself, resting her head on Jim's shoulder, and Jim putting an arm around her waist.

"I just hope she realizes that if he ever does that again, she's always welcome to come live here," Ellen sighed, while Jim played with her hair.

"She knows that Ellen. She loves you, and you love her. I love her as well. She's like a daughter we never had."

A week later



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