Chapter 3 - Thor finds out.

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Loki, Thor and Dr. Strange all walk into the lair. Strange did a spell to lock the door so they wouldn't be intrupted again.
Thor paced back and forth, squeezing Mjölnir's handle as he scowled.
"Will someone please tell me...what is going on?! ...Loki?"
Loki was staring at the wall, drumming the palm of his hand.
"Brother! Tell me now...or else I'll go find out myself"
Loki turned towards Thor.
"Stop, just stop!" He sighed and looked down at the floor. " alive. I've been hiding her to keep her safe."
Thor's shoulders dropped as he stared wide eyed at his brother.
" no...she died in battle...I seen her die...I watched you grieve..."
Thor looks at Dr. Strange. 
"What did you help him do?" He asked sternly.
"He helped me hide her....he's the reason she doesn't know who she is."
Loki ran his hand across his face and sat down on the corner of the desk.
"I had to hide her. I had to erase her from people's she would be safe ..even if he looked...he would see that she died...even if he looked at her...he would see that she isn't who he thinks..."
Thor walked in front of his brother.
"Who is this he, you speak of?"
Loki looked up at Thor, with fear and sadness in his eyes.
"But...why is he after her?!"
"Because she's my wife. And he vowed to kill anyone close to me since I let the Avengers win the battle of New York."
Loki folded his arms across his chest and looked at Thor.
"I couldn't bear to loose I did the only thing I knew I could. I still lost her in the end though.  Since she has no idea who I am. You know how hard it is to be away from the only person who has ever loved me?? To pretend she was dead..."
Dr. Strange came around the desk and finished his sentence.
"I put a spell on her, gave her a back story so I could watch over her and...gave her a way to get her memories back."
He looked over at Loki as Loki's head snapped up.
"I didn't mention it because I wasn't sure if it would work...but I guess it does. Just didn't realize it would cause her pain."
"Wait! You did what...." Loki stood up and walked fiercely towards Dr. Strange.
"I...I put a way she could get her memories back. I didn't tell you because I didn't know how you would react or if you go and undo it all."
Loki stared at him then spoke sternly but calmly.
"What helps her remember? And why does it give her pain?!"
"When you guys touch. She sees glimpses of her old life. The more she is around you...the more of herself she becomes. As for the pain, I am not sure. She just recently started complaining about headaches. Today was the first vision though."
"And she was touching me when she had it..."
"It must be her way of letting the memories come back to her."
"Why did you do that...? Now she's going to be a target...he's going to come back....I didn't tell you to give her a way back..."
Dr. Strange stood strait and looked right into Loki's eyes.
"No. But she did!"
Loki stumbled back as he stared confused at Strange.
"She asked me what I was doing. I told her. She then said she understood and for a way back to you. She knew you couldn't be without her. Not for to long. So I did. Because it was her memories and her mind. She had a say so in it."
Loki sat down on the corner of the desk, defeated.
"She did always know me so well. My Goddess of Mischief!"

Thor walked closer to the pair.
"Now what? What is the next step?"

"Well first, I need to go out there and tell her she can stay here. Then she had eyes on her. But also need to come up with a reason you helping her train."
Loki looked up at the two. "Train? For what?"
"Well, I'm sure if her memories come back then Thanos may try to use her to his advantage.  She needs to relearn all her chaos magic. She's going to be super rusty."
Thor placed his hand on Loki's shoulder.
"We won't let him have her. I promise, brother!"
Loki just silently nodded.

"I'll be back. Feel free to make yourself at home. I will go talk to her.
Strange unsealed the lair and walked put towards the living area.
As he walked into the room, he noticed Jamie sitting on the couch holding her head, doubled over in pain.....

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