𝑙𝑒𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑒 𝑏𝑒𝑔𝑖𝑛.

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"good luck rodent" he says and she gets back in her car and slams the door and rolls the window up and locks the doors and looks at suna "i'm beating that mother fuckers ass." She says.

-lunas POV-
I sit in my car cracking my knuckles until suna grabs my hand "stop your gonna end up hurting yourself" he says softly i sigh and nod my head he grabs my face and caress it what's nice about my car is it's blacked out "what's wrong pretty girl? " he asks concerned "the asshole that came to the car" i say and suna shakes his head and makes me look at him "just from us driving to the skate park and here your gonna be amazing don't let him define your driving your gonna kick some ass" he says and puts his forehead to mine "you think so?" I say and he nods and places a soft kiss on my lips and i kiss him back and we both hear the siren go off saying the race is starting so i let go from the kiss and start the car up and let the engine roar alive and i rev the engine a little bit and shift into drive and go to the line and see the asshole pulling up beside me with a blonde bitch and i feel suna grab my thigh and i roll the windows down and the lady that gonna get the race going stands in her position "GOOD EVENING EVERYONE WE HAVE TOM AND-" she screams and stops and runs over to me "I'm sorry doll face whats your name? " she asks me "Luna." I say with a smile and she kisses my cheek and runs back to her place and me and suna look at each other "ANYWHO GOOD EVENING LADIES AND GENTLEMEN WE HAVE TOM AND LUNA RACING TONIGHT CAN I GET A CHEER FROM TOMS TEAM" She yells and i hear a bunch of female screams "CAN I HEAR A CHEER FROM LUNAS TEAM? " She screams and i hear male and female hollers "RACERS ARE YOU READY?!" She yells and me and i guess his name tom rev our engines and i roll my window up she brings her hands up and i get ready "READY, SET... GOO" she tells and throws her hands down and i shift into drive and go as fast as i can and i see tom falling behind and i turn my radio up and i see a turn and i drift quickly and go right back to driving in a straight line and i shift to go a little faster and suna has a smile on his face it's obvious he's never done something like this so it's defintely different for him but i'm glad he's enjoying himself, i look in my rear view mirror and and see tom catching up this bitch i say in my head and shift again into a faster speed and drift another corner with him still on my ass and i swerve lanes and go a little faster and it's a good thing me and my dad installed these racer seats when i got this car and tom trys to catch up with me and i laugh and so does suna "Jesus luna need for speed?" Suna says and i laugh and slow down "maybe" i say and suna looks at me wired when i down shift "what are you doing he's right there?" He says and tom zooms past us and i smirk "just watch pretty boy" i say and i see tom smiling and i flip a switch by my feet and shift and we fly past tom and suna is gripping my thigh "HOLY SHIT" he hollers and laughs and i laugh and flip the switch down and went get to the finish line and i shift again and make it past the finish line and i drift and pull the emergency brake and shift into park and shut the car off and tom pulls next to me and suna celebrate in our seats which means dancing in our seats, after a moment we get out of the car and numerous people are running up to me and telling i was a beast out there and tom walks up and suna gets in front of me but i grab his arm and look at tom "let the races begin bitch see you every weekend." he says and walks away and i take a step forward "why wanna get your ass kicked some more?" i holler back and he looks back at him "nah more i just wanna see if you always race like that baby doll" he says and walks away and i clench my knuckles "your on bitch." I mumble under my breath and walk back to suna and we get in the car and i start the car and buckle my seat belt and so does suna and i turn the car back on,shuffle a playlist to let the car get ready,then shift it into dive and take us back to his house and as were driving suna sighs softly"luna are you gonna seriously start going to these things every weekend" he asks in a concerned tone and "yeah it would be fun" i say and he nods shaking his head at my answer and it goes back to being silent and i keep driving and i drive back into our area of Japan and then back into where our neighborhood is and pull into the small gas station and shift into park and pull the emergency brake and get out and fill my car up cause that took a lot of gas and i finish filling up the tank fully and i peep into the car "want some snacks?" I say with a small smile and biting my lip softly he looks at me "sure" he says blandly and gets out of the car and my smile falls and i sigh and grab my side bag and and we walk into the gas station i split to go get a slushy type thing and then some chips and candy i paid for my stuff and he paid for his and we step out of the gas station and we head back to the car and see tom pulling in and we swiftly got in the car and i start the car and i pull my my phone out to play music and see a text from kil

𝑻𝒘𝒊𝒏𝒏 𝒈𝒐𝒐𝒇𝒃𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒉𝒚𝒑𝒆 𝒎𝒂𝒏 𝒌𝒊𝒍😝🖤

"Hey ik you said you were staying at sunas but Mistubani got under my skin while I was cooking myself after she got back since as you know they went our or something, but mom & dad said work called, week long trip soo no school, & I wanna play fort with uu pleasse??"
Read AM

"Sorry i was driving,i don't have an issue with that actually kil you're my brother, you're more important then some boy i met a couple days ago, okay? i'll be home in like 3 minutes, by the gas station by the house luv u 💞"
2:02 AM

"Okkk... I love you lulu"
2:02 AM

I sigh softly and play my music from when we were driving previously and i continue driving back to our houses and i stop at the light to turn in and notice it's dead and no one is driving but maybe me on this street i turn off my head lights and turn in and pull into my driveway while turning my radio down and shifting into park and pulling up the break and turn off the car and put my snacks into my side bag and grab my overnight bag and open my car door and get out and suna follows my actions and i walk to my door and he walks to his not saying anything i put my key into the key lock and and i look at him and he's looking at me and i open my door and go in closing the door behind me and walking down to my own little house putting everything away. After doing all of that i head up to killuas room to let him to know I'm home i knock and he opens the door and smiles at me and i smile at him "I'm homee" i say in a soft voice and he chuckles "go shower and text me to let me know when your ready to play" i nod and he pulls me in for a hug, i hug him back and pull away and walk back down stairs to my room and open my door and close it and proceed to take all of my jewelry from tonight off and wiping all my makeup off and quickly stopping and looking at my decently sized window, where i first saw suna i step out of vanity seat and take three steps to it close it, lock it, and close the blinds and walk over to my vanity to continue wiping my make up off and go hop in the shower and finish everything else.

    ↑what luna is wearing to bed

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    ↑what luna is wearing to bed

I walk to my gaming set up while putting my hair in a messy bun, i pull my chair out and grab my headset and setting them in my lap and i pull my phone out and text kil letting him know I'm getting ready to hop on, i boot up my computer and then put my headset on my neck.It's pretty sick our parents scheduled our internet and stuff so we're not bored and stuff when there out,i put my airpod in and go to Spotify on my phone playing mine and kils gaming playlist we made, answer a couple snaps from back home filling them in and then pull my headset on and pull my mic down so kil can hear me,i then open up fortnite and see kils party request i then accept it and get ready for a long night of gaming with kil and Mistubani getting pressed about it.

imagine a really good a/n chapter ender love you folks tho-ilovehotmomsmm 🫶🏻

𝑇ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑏𝑜𝑦 & 𝑇ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑔𝑖𝑟𝑙- 𝑟.𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑎Where stories live. Discover now