chapter 1

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Lucia pov:

I fell to the ground and she had her knife pointed at my throat "Who are you? Why are you here?What do you want?" She said "Okay that's a lot of questions I just got here I- uhhh" I responded, "Woah woah there blight that's no way to treat the newbie and your new partner." Salix said out of nowhere. this “blight” person and I both yelled in sync "PARTNERS?!?" As she lowered her knife then she started rambling to Salix that she works solo and she doesn't need a partner blah blah blah.

‘blight? Where have I heard that name. She is good looking with long green hair in this messy half ponytail, a pink dress, and torn black leggings’ I thought to myself. I was zoned out for a while, didn't even notice she walked off. That's until Salix spoke

“So you're into that kind of girl huh?” she said “Pfft what no of course not… Imma go talk to her” I blurted out, and Salix rolled her eyes. “she just tried to kill you but okay I don't care what you do, she ain't gonna be into you anyways.” she said, “We’ll see about that.” I said confidently and started to walk off “Wait, which way did she go?” Salix just pointed left.

So I went off in that direction.

As I continued walking through this very dark hallway and got pushed to the ground... by her again "Why are you following me?" she said "Gosh can you stop with the pushing and questioni-." I realize we're in this weird position "What??" She said "NOTHING! I mean nothing, just I- get off of me" Is it me, or is it hot in here oh no am I turning red I thought as I covered my face

"Yeah fine whatever. Anyways, you didn't answer my question. So one more time, who are you? '' She asked "my name is Luci… Lucia Noceda and-" "Okay that's enough." She interrupted and walked off. I stood there for a while "You coming or what." "Wait what?" "I'll show you around hq come on," she said as she continued walking. ‘Wait what's her name!?!’

This was too short wasn't it ;-;

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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