Meanwhile with Seonghwa who was just woke up seeing that he was tied up in a chair the room was dark the only light was coming from outside from the moonlight.

"Where am I?" Seonghwa asked himself as he trying to stay calm even though fear was slowly growing inside of him "Hi Seonghwa...mine Seonghwa" A very familiar voice said from the darkness.

Seonghwa knows who that voice belongings was just to hard to forget someone that beats you up.."Mark" Male chuckled darkly as he comes into the light where the moonlight was.

"Hi love" Mark touchs Seonghwa face "You look beautiful tied up, don't ya think?" Seonghwa rolled his eyes obviously disgusted by Mark "What do you want Mark" Seonghwa glare at the male who only laughs more.

"Seonghwa you know what I want, and that's you obviously" Mark smirks "Well that's something you can't have because I love Hongjoong not you" Seonghwa says harshly.

"Do you think I give a fuck about you loving that blue hair bitch? You're mine not his" Mark grips Seonghwa roughly making the older yelped in pain "And I know how you are going to stop loving that little brat" Mark sinister smirks.

"What makes you think I'm going to believe you?" Seonghwa asked knowing that Mark can do won't stop him from loving Hongjoong.

Mark grabs a remote and turns on the TV showing 'live' camera footage of room that look very familiar to Hongjoong's room "How the hell did put a camera in his room!?" Seonghwa shouts but Mark only shush him.

"Just watch, honey" Mark said with a weird smirk on his face.

In the footage it shows Hongjoong and Minho coming into Hongjoong's room talking about something.

*in the camera footage*

Hj- "So we going to kept playing with their feelings, right?"

Ml- "Yeah, everyone is such a great of so fake to them"

Hj- "Especially Wooyoung and Feilx such great actors"

Ml- "It going to be so funny to watch Jisung and Seonghwa cry their eyes out"

Hongjoong and Minho laughs together giving each other high gives.

Hj- "Wait you mean Jisung, that Seonghwa escape remember?"

Minho stops laughing before nodding his head.

"So only the little fagg need to cry like a little bitch"

Minho and Hongjoong  darkly laughs loudly before leaving the room.

*out of the camera*

Seonghwa sat there tears coming from his dark blue eyes, he couldn't believe Hongjoong and Minho were playing with his and Jisung's feelings...and aslo let their friends be fake to them too...really broke Seonghwa's heart.

"See my love, they were just as worse then me" Make turns off the TV and walks to Seonghwa "That's why you should be with me and only me"

*With Jisung*

Jisung was been crying all day as his hyung was missing and didn't come back..Minho and the rest told Jisung that  Seonghwa might need some time and left the young male at Minho's house as they went out.

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