The Creek Made Me Cry

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The soft breeze kissed her neck as she looked out across the field of flowers. A mix of white and orange lilies peppered the soft green landscape. She looked around with a soft gaze. 

The land was a cast of rolling hills, tall grass, and a creek that ran bubbling like a small valley. She took off her shoes and felt the soft grass tickle between her toes. A smile lit her face and she motioned me to follow with a beckoning motion.I scrambled to take off my shoes as she walked away. 

I felt I wasn't good enough to get too close so I followed from a distance. Her cheeks were rosy and her smile was contagious as she looked at me. I was nervous but captivated to the point where my tunnel vision got so bad I tripped on a small rut and my shoe finally just popped off. I peered up at her and caught her giggling at me. I grew red with embarrassment but found it funny as well and allowed myself to be the butt end of the joke with a small chuckle.

Her small dress hugged her tightly as the breeze picked up a bit. I still followed from a distance and peered at the sky as if a storm would roll in and ruin our meandering through the meadow.

 She took such gentle steps that I felt she wasn't even bending the delicate stalks of grass she stepped on. I tried to be graceful like her and tip-toed lightly feeling the cool grass and the soft dirt. The smile she had shown me couldn't leave my face. 

I felt as if I was in love and she was indeed the one I was in love with. How would I tell her? She gave me another sly look and disappeared over the small hill. I scrambled to get to the top of the hill and once I got there I peered down. 

She stood beside the long winding creek. Her dress sat on the bank as her long slender body slipped into the water. All I could do was watch my mouth agape. I suddenly felt frozen. How could I compare to someone of such beauty? I felt a weight in my stomach and a queasiness that made me wanna puke.

 I felt tears forming as she waved me down. I was nothing and she was just another part of my wild imagination. She disappeared underneath a small rush of water. Her pale body disappeared as if it had just become one with the cold creek.

As I turned around I felt the tightness in my chest and the anxiety dissipate. I slowly tiptoed back to the tree I had been standing at before I was beckoned. I gingerly climbed up the stool and once I was sure it was sturdy underneath my feet I pulled the rope around my neck. I pulled it tight. It was quite scratchy and it made me giggle. Then I thought about the beautiful creek and how strong it was.... pushing through relentlessly in any type of weather. No matter the matter the matter the abuse it kept going. Why couldn't I be that strong? I kicked out the stool and felt the tears roll down my cheeks. The creek made me cry. 

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