Can I Get You Something To Drink?

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suggested by @ilycourtneypookie FOR TEENA ❤️❤️


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I've been working at this local cafe for about a month now, and it's not been that bad.
Heather works there too and we usually take shifts together. We just waitress to pay rent, because it's not very cheap to live in an apartment in the city. Especially as a uni student.

The thing is, it's great working here- just sometimes certain people pop by a little too often.

I was wiping the counter while Heather was at the cashier, taking the short line of people.

We were closing in ten minutes and since there were no customers left, Heather was about to flip the sign on the door from OPEN to CLOSED.

I was now cleaning the tables, which were dirtier than ever because a kids birthday party occurred here.

But then I heard the bell ring, indicating the door opened.

A customer? At 10pm?!

"Oh, look Courtney, your boyfriend's here!" Heather snarled.

I looked up to see Duncan standing at the front door, with that stupid smirk on his face.
He always comes here, with a smug look on his face.

He's a trust fund kid, never had to work a day in his life- so instead of getting a job or studying, he comes here at least once every week.

"Duncan isn't my boyfriend, Heather." I roll my eyes and straighten my spine, glaring at him with a dirty look.

"We're closing in-" I look down at my watch. "Seven minutes." I read out.
"You can't refuse service to me. I'm a loyal customer!" he grinned devilishly.
"Ugh, fine. Take any table." I rolled my eyes once again, looking at the smug look on his face.

"Heather, can you serve him?" I groaned.
"No. I'm enjoying this too much." Heather laughs.

"I hate you so much right now."  I whisper-shouted. She just kept laughing.

I tightened my apron and made my way to the booth that Duncan is sitting at.

"Can I get you something to drink?" I huffed.
"You pick." Duncan said.
"You pick, Princess."
"Fine! I pick..." I read the menu that was on his booth.

"The chocolate milkshake!" I smiled smugly.
"Okay then. Where can I pay?" as he said that I pointed to Heather- who was the cashier for this shift.

He walked over and they started talking- but they were too far away for me to make out any of the words they were saying.
Duncan kept smirking the whole time.

A while passes, and finally- I was done making his milkshake. I chose it because it's easy to make and overly priced. What can I say?
I need the money.

"Here you go." I rolled my eyes, handing him the drink.
"No, it's for you." Duncan smirked, handing it back to me.

"I'm lactose intolerant."

"I told you! Nice going, Romeo!" Heather shouted from behind us, slapping herself on the forehead.


"Fine, I'll drink it anyway. Only because you payed for it and I'm not a monster." I rolled my eyes.

I sat down at the other side of the table, grabbed a straw from the table and stuck it in the shake.
Duncan did the same and smirked at me as we both sipped the drink.

A lot of angry glaring was done. Mostly by me.

"Love birds!" Heather shouted. "Say cheese!" she grinned, taking a photo of us. I put my hand out to cover my face but- honestly?
I secretly hoped she got a good picture of us.

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