A Shop In The Middle Of This Catastrophe

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Geopelia's team jumps out from the portal, only to see a stand that looking like a shop but without a shop keeper.

"Huh? A shop in the middle of nowhere? There is not even a sign of the shop keeper... Weird..." Geopelia feeling curious, walks towards the shop. The others followed her just to keep her safe.

When they arrived, they noticed that there is something inside, but they doesn't looks like something that a usual shop sells. El Fail tries to rob the shop, but the shop seems to have an invisible wall around the shop so she failed her attempt to rob the shop. Geopelia then remember the currency looking thing on her pocket that she picked earlier after defeating enemies, then walk to the front of the shop and put the currency in the plate that she think supposed to put the currency there. To the suprise of everybody, there is a menu showing everything you can buy in that shop, but there is only three things for sale in that shop, and with the currency that they have now, they can only buy one.

"It seems we need to decide on which stuff should we buy," Geopelia said.

The item in sale in that shop is :

(Undefined, no image)

1. Glass Shards? (Epic)
Item description : on itself, does nothing. On 6 stack, use the item to call a random companion or revive a fallen teammate. Maximum item capacity : six.

(Cannot load image.
Insert picture of 'Lockpick' from 'luck be a landlord', also the writer changes its stat for the sake of plot)

2. Lockpick (Common)
Item description : Opening locked chest have a chance (1%) of it will cost no key(s), increases the chance of winning by 0.1% per another stack of this item. Maximum item capacity : infinite.

 Maximum item capacity : infinite

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3. Rock Bottom (Epic)
Item description : Once picked up, set the current stats (except health) you have achieved for this run as the minimum stats. Refresh every stats up and no further stats down can be applied. Maximum item capacity : one.

"'Rock Bottom' seems safe," El Clear suggest on buying 'Rock Bottom'. "Agreed." Boboiboy says. "Well, it decided, I will buy 'Rock Bottom'," says Geopelia while chosing that option, buying it immediately and goes into someone's inventory, that no one knew where it goes.

"Geopelia, is the item in your pocket?" Boboiboy asked. "No, let me find where it goes," Geopelia replies. Geopelia searching for the item they buy earlier, then found out the item were in her tablet. "Oh, it's goes into my tablet as a data," says Geopelia.

The team then walks off the shop, wander around as they hope to find another open portal but didn't find one. "Ugh... Where is that portal? It's already like an hour and there is not a single portal in sight," El Fail complains. "Do we need to fight more enemies so there is a new portal opening nearby?" Boboiboy wondering and asking Geopelia. "I don't think so, before I met you, I didn't see any enemy and going through a portal that open near me too," Geopelia denies Boboiboy statement with a concrete reasoning.

Boboiboy checking the surrounding area by using his cyclone form and fly upwards, to find nothing but their team members only, then descend. "It's suspiciously calm, it seems that only us in this place and no other people in here..." Boboiboy start to worry about something. "What are you worrying so much? It's just us here. Even if there is something wrong, we surely can handle it. We all got some sort of power, right? So why you should worry?" El Fail asking with a smug cat smile on her face. "Geopelia doesn't look like she has any power at all..." Boboiboy arguing with El Fail because Geopelia only got a gun for her defense. El Fail open her eye patch, tries to hypnotize Geopelia to see if Geopelia doesn't have any kind of power. Much to her suprise, Geopelia seems immune to El Fail's power. "Look, she got some. She is immune to my hypnotizing power. Who knows that she is secretly a goddess?" El Fail said while Boboiboy look at her in doubt. "There is no way Geopelia might be a goddess. Just because she is immune to some power, doesn't mean she is a goddess," Boboiboy said in doubt. "If she is, I would leave already for personal reason," Boboiboy continues. The others wondered on what is Boboiboy's personal reason for it but decided to didn't think more about it because is was personal reason after all.

Long time after that, they still didn't find another open portal but find a chest without a lock instead. "Hey look! An unsupervised chest! Finder keeper!" Says El Fail while she is running towards the chest. "Hey, what if that's someone chest? Wouldn't that be counted as stealing?" Boboiboy said. "There is a note on this chest, its says that this chest is for supplies of whoever found this chest," Geopelia says. "That's mean this is for us, let's open it," El Fail said while opening the chest.

The chest contains currency and this item :

Pirate Hat (Common) (1)Item description : generate (1) currency every second passed in a fight

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Pirate Hat (Common) (1)
Item description : generate (1) currency every second passed in a fight. The amount generated is based on total item you have. Maximum item capacity : infinite.

"Hey, would you look at that, free money," Geopelia said. "And money generator, we are going to be rich!" Exclaim El Fail. "Well, we can hold back if we fighting something easy. But promise me to don't lower your guard when we are encountering new enemies," El Clear said. "We wouldn't," says Geopelia.

Another portal opens nearby after they take the chest. "Well, get ready for more everyone," says Geopelia. "We are going in." As Geopelia finished her command, everyone goes into the portal.

(A/N : now I have an AO3 account (Juke_K3R4DDTEAM), hopefully I can update faster in there without worrying about the picture needed, but if some of you guys need a picture reference, you can see it in here)

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