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"Wake up..."

As my pink eyes slowly opened i noticed someone so of course i got scared and whenever i am scared ...I punched them but my punch was quickly taken in someone's else hand . As i looked at them i just noiced it was just my elders siblings....so of course i sighed.

Ananas Dragon : my my , lady! Still have the dragon instincts in you! But it's not good to punch big bro Lotus you know...I tought he was your favourite...

Lotus Dragon : hmh. It's fine Ananas. Hey sister been a while we haven't seen you. And Lychee found you on the ground while it was rainning yesterday night...Did aything happens when you we're gone adventuring with your friends.?

He looked at me pitifully . Even tho i didn't need his pity right now. I don't even remember what happened...What happened to me? Where are my friends.? I took time to adjust myself sitting and leaning my back on the big fluffy pillow behind me.as i answered. 

White Lily : i cannot remember..Is it weird.?

Lotus Dragon : guess not.

Ananas Dragon : maybe you drank?

Lotus Dragon : yk that's nlw how..not how. Ugh whatever.

Ofc i snickered a bit but i gently putted my hand infront of my mouth to hide this laughter.  But of course they noticed it directly.

Ananas Dragon : a happy mood to fit a pretty girl ahah!

Lotus Dragon : shut it Ananas...By the way...Pitaya and Snapdragon are at the Hollyberry kingdom righr now...

White Lily : and the rest?

Ananas Dragon : Hmh..Longan is somewhere. Candy Floss and Lavender Scent are with my mom meeting some lady named Moonlight Cookie.

White Lily : oohh..Pure Vanilla's mom..

Lotus Dragon : you talk alot about that guy...

White Lily : Shut up.

Ananas Dragon : sheesh...Anyways what you gonna do?

White Lily : I gonna go see Hollyberry cookie.

I stood up and putted on my cloak as they told me goodbye , by that , i turned and left walking away despite conditions going into weather like rain because yeah the rain is still raining from yesterday...I wonder what's causing it on all Earthbread.  Well lucky Dark cacao he always have a snow. Wait..should i said it's luck? Causr theyre more monsters around it...i wonder wat bullshit is awaiting for me at the bar now.

Crk cause i am boredWhere stories live. Discover now