Chapter 13

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☆ 13. Chapter 13
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Chapter 13

Tang Yao thought that she should already know the answer that Zhang Qing didn't say.

She waited until dusk to say goodbye and left. Zhang Qing leaned on the balcony and waved goodbye to her.

When going downstairs, Tang Yao met Huang Yong with a serious face.

Tang Yao asked Huang Yong how he would deal with Zhang Qing. Although Huang Yong felt very sorry, he decided to let Zhang Qing withdraw from the recording of this season first, and then he would find a way to get the person back when the storm subsided.

As a friend, he sympathized with and was angry about Zhang Qing's experience, but as a director, in order to continue recording the show, he had no choice but to make this decision. In private, he also asked people around him to switch to trumpets to help Zhang Qing speak, but the effect was minimal.

After all, there is a lot of power behind the people who want to punish Zhang Qing.

Tang Yao thought for a while and said to him: "What if I have evidence? Can Sister Qing continue to record the show?"

Huang Yong was stunned when he heard this: "What evidence?"

In the evening, a few videos were quietly recorded by a newly registered account Put it on the Internet.

At the beginning, there were no clicks at all, but soon, there were a few people, dozens of people, hundreds of people.

People who saw the post quickly shared it.

In just a few hours, these videos became the top trending searches.

The video seems to be shot through ultra-clear surveillance, and the portraits and sounds are very clear.

One of the scenes is a scene of Ouyang Hua trying to undress Tang Yao that night and being stopped by Zhang Qing. The other scene is a scene of Ouyang Hua making a phone call in a secluded corner of the B&B.

It was these two videos that hammered him to death.

During the phone call, he mentioned Zhang Qing and restored the scene of that year in a few words.

It turns out that Zhang Qing was also spotted by Ouyang Hua back then, but she sternly refused. As a result, she was slandered and buried in the snow. As a result, her talents had no place to display and have been dormant to this day.

In the video, Ouyang Hua had a cruel look on his face: "This bitch was disobedient at first, but now she has suffered a lot. Now give her another chance. If she doesn't bow her head, I will do it to her again! The medicine I used on that little actor last time Get me some more, here is another top quality..."

As soon as the video came out, Mr. Ouyang Hua's big brother image was overturned in an instant.

"It's so disgusting, my God, how could such a person exist."

"I used to think he was quite talented, and I thought the society was unfair to a talented has-been singer like him. Now that I think about it, I really Silly."

"I don't know how many girls have been harmed by him."

"Am I the only one who pays attention to the first video? Is that person the boss? It's too good to watch. Did Ouyang Hua have some b-numbers? , How can a little fairy fall in love with an ugly guy like him?"

"Really, the boss is so good-looking, I've never seen it on variety shows."

"It is recommended to strictly investigate Tianxiang Entertainment@A City Police."

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