Chapter 15

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☆ 15. Chapter 15
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Chapter 15

"You thought you were teaching your employees a lesson in your own company? The boss won't do this to you. They just raise flowers better than you." Huang Hui was happy to see Ji Mingquan suffer.

Ji Mingquan snorted coldly, but had to admit that what Huang Hui said was true.

After eating, Tang Yao found the sunniest place and began to complete her embroidery.

She likes to embroider things, which not only allows her to use her brain more, but also allows her to relax.

A piece of embroidery that is not too small, she embroiders a little bit every day and has already finished half of it.

Huang Hui also answered the phone in the garden. The caller was their son, who asked about their physical condition with concern and urged them to go back earlier.

"Mom and Dad, we don't worry about you being outside. If you want to go on vacation, go to our own villa. There is a villa on the beach in Q City, which is the closest to Wanhua Town. You can also look at the sea. How nice." On the other end of the phone He is Ji Mingquan's eldest son.

"I don't care, but you know your father, and he will probably spend the next few days here." Huang Hui shook her head helplessly.

After hanging up the phone with her son, Huang Hui went back from the alley. After turning a corner, she saw Tang Yao who was doing embroidery.

Huang Hui has her own clothing company. Because she likes traditional Chinese elements very much, the clothing company focuses on Chinese style, and embroidery is the finishing touch.

In addition, because she likes embroidery, she became a disciple of Wang Chengmin, a master of Chinese embroidery. It can be said that the memory and love for embroidery are engraved in her bones.

So when she saw Tang Yao doing embroidery, she subconsciously walked over.

Tang Yao's green-white fingers were slender, moving back and forth on the silk cloth. Her movements were neither fast nor slow, which was pleasing to the eye.

What she embroidered was a plum blossom in bloom, which looked lifelike. There were butterflies next to it that stayed on the silk from time to time, as if they thought it was a real flower.

Even Huang Hui seemed to smell a faint fragrance.

Huang Hui's glasses shone slightly and she praised her good workmanship in her heart.

She walked around behind the silk cloth, originally wanting to see the arrangement of the threads, but unexpectedly, there was another embroidery behind it, a picture of green bamboo!

Huang Hui's breathing quickened, double-sided embroidery! This is actually double-sided embroidery! This skill has almost been lost. Her teacher Wang Chengmin still lamented that if you can master double-sided embroidery, you will truly reach the level of a master.

Even in her company, there is no one with such superb skills.

"Are you okay?" Sensing someone behind her, Tang Yao paused her work and turned around to ask.

"Boss, this is double-sided embroidery?"

Tang Yao nodded after hearing this: "Yes, it's for killing time. The embroidery is not good, which makes you laugh."

She learned this in an ancient world, when she was a wealthy family Although her mother was an embroiderer with a low status, she was a concubine. Fortunately, her embroidery skills were superb and she taught her many skills, which later enabled her to settle down and make a living.

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