Chapter 5 Page 21: The Devil

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Despite her many attempts before she went down to the dungeon to see Mary she couldn't change Shadow's mind about the execution, his mind was firm

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Despite her many attempts before she went down to the dungeon to see Mary she couldn't change Shadow's mind about the execution, his mind was firm. Amy didn't want anyone else to die, yet in the end it had to be someone. There was an attack at the palace not to mention the casualties that came with it. The citizens wouldn't keep still if no one was punished for it. The royal counsel also felt the same, someone had to go down as the culprit. Amy pleaded for Shadow to do anything but kill someone but he himself told her if there was another way he would do it. Amy felt defeated she couldn't think of another way. Even with the wisdom that King Julian had given her. Something like this had happened to him in the past and it didn't end well for him when he too, felt the same way as she. Yet Amy didn't want to give up, she didn't want to lose hope but the time was getting closer for the execution to take place. Amy spent her days in the library trying her best to learn anything that could stop Penelope or Mary from dying. While she was doing so Shadow had his own plans in mind.

Shadow hadn't been very truthful to Amy. Yet what she didn't know wouldn't hurt her. He thought this as he had gotten reports of her whereabouts. Her efforts were futile since he wanted this to happen. He found her cute trying so hard to save everyone but he found her naive and honestly too kind for her own good. She was trying to save the woman who almost had her killed, if it was Shadow he would've killed her immediately. He sat at his desk that was nearly almost cleared of paper work. This seemed like a time to take a break causing him to think how well his plans worked out. A wicked grin creeped onto his face as he got Penelope right where he wanted her. Not everything that happened was in his control yet he was pleased with the end results. Shadow had lied when he said he had no intentions of Penelope falling in love with him. The real reason why she was insanely crazy for him was because he fed her a special potion that mimicked the symptoms of love and even kept the person who was affected from knowing what they themselves were doing. Of course it had side effects which Shadow was fully aware of but that didn't matter since Penelope was the one who was drinking it. The potion was incredibly rare since only witches could make such things and since they were no more it was quite hard to get one. He was actually quite lucky to find such a thing in an old building where he hid out when he first came to this world. He saw Penelope's cruelty up close when he stumbled upon her and her brothers hunting people down for fun. They killed off the weak for their twisted amusement. Not even children were spared from their cruel game. This was the beginning of Shadow's resentment towards the family. Making a name for himself was quite easy, especially when he had Brandon on his side. Brandon was someone that always thought about the people, so naturally the people respected him. With him he quickly got hold of connections yet it wasn't enough. Despite his growing wealth due to his insight on business his sights of becoming King was far beyond his reach. That was until he learned of Penelope's upcoming birthday ball. That was when his gears started to turn. His plot to bring down the Thorn Heart family and becoming King wasn't so far away than he thought.

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