Chapter 4 Page 18

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All around her was white, the pink furred hedgehog couldn't remember how she appeared in this white endless void

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All around her was white, the pink furred hedgehog couldn't remember how she appeared in this white endless void. She looked all around, feeling disoriented at each turn she made. She couldn't find Ruby anywhere not to mention another soul. Amy suddenly felt a presence causing her to turn once more to see a white door with gold linings. An elegant picture of a flower was carved in gold, right in the middle of the door. Amy was hesitant to approach the door since the sudden appearance of the door spooked her quite a bit. Gathering her courage, Amy approached the door. She felt drawn towards the door with each step she took. Amy gazed upon the door as her gloved hand was placed on the door handle. "Please don't let there be anymore weird people trying to kill me" she mumbled, doing a small prayer before turning the door handle and opening the mysterious door. "Gah!" Amy had to shield her eyes as a bright light had immerged from the opening of the door. Once her eyes had adjusted she was quite surprised to see a luxurious room. She slowly entered the room, amazed by the fact that her surroundings has changed so much. Amy closely studied the room, it clearly belonged to a child that was a high class noble. Toys everywhere, a bed made out of the finest silk and cotton, and not to mention the long shelf of what seemed to have never ended books that she could tell from a glance that they were mostly story books for children. Amy couldn't understand why she was inside the room, the silence made her uncomfortable.

As if on que the double doors leading inside the room slammed opened, this startled Amy half to death as it causes her to jump almost right out of her skin. She whipped her head around to see the culprit. Her emerald green eyes widened in shock as she immediately recognized the young all black cat who had the heterochromia eyes. Amy still found his blue and green eyes dazzling. However Amy could only frown as she saw the young male's eyes in tears. "F-Finley?! Wha-" the boy only ran past her before flopping face first into his bed. He heavily sobbed, his shoulders shook as his cries echoed in his room. Amy couldn't believe her eyes as she slowly approached the upset boy. The more she looked at him, the more she couldn't understand how this boy took the lives of many. Amy's heart yearned to comfort the boy, Amy reached her hand out to gently pat his head but she paused as her ears perked up to hear faint footsteps. "Your highness? What's wrong?" A caring voice came from the opened double doors causing Amy to turn to see what appeared to be a green hedgehog in a maids uniform, her features made her look rough around the edges, she honestly looked scary to look at. She had sharp teeth and small thick gold piercings on both her ears. She had sharp blue eyes that seemed to boar into her soul. Amy felt a chill run down her spine as the female walked towards their direction. She gently sat on the bed next to the young prince who was clearly upset. Seeing how she wasn't reacting to Amy, she could only guess that she couldn't see her. This made Amy head race with questions as she watched the two interact with one another.

"Tell me what's wrong? Did something happen at your theater lessons today?" She asked worried as she patted the male on his head. Finley didn't hesitate to bury his face into her lap as he cried. "Shhh...There there now..." Her soft and caring voice seemed to have calmed him down after a moment of his head being stroked. "It's all Francis's fault!" The young boy explained angrily. "Everywhere I go everyone thinks Francis is the best at everything!" Finley sniffed before sitting up to wipe his tear stained face. " Everything was fine until Francis came to my lesson today, as soon as he arrived everyone only paid attention to him! He wasn't even supposed to be there yet my teacher praised him for his acting so much! It's not fair! Why don't no one praise me for my hard work!" Jealousy was written on Finley face. Yet Amy could also sense the sadness and disappointment Finley felt. She honestly felt bad for the child since all he wanted was for someone to recognize his efforts. "Your highness...I don't want to speak Ill of the first prince but...It sounds like he could be afraid of your highness..." She spoke gently causing the feline to look at her. "Me?" He asked puzzled "Why?" He asked confused. "Well. It could be that he's afraid of losing everything to you, that's why he's trying to make himself look better than you. After all I don't remember the first prince ever having such interest in theater..." The maid explained causing the boy to take her words to heart. She was right after all, Francis never seemed interested at all, now suddenly he's showing up to his lessons? The young cat seemed to have this thought process as his face slowly turned dark and twisted.
Amy didn't like how the situation was slowly turning into something complicated. She looked at the maid and flinched, her once blue eyes were a glowing red as she hugged the boy to her chest. She squeezed him firmly with a wicked smirk on her face, her sharp pearly white teeth showed as she looked down at the native prince. "I only want the best for you Finley. So just be careful of the first prince, after all..." She paused as she brought his face to look up at her. "He knows you're the one who killed the Queen". Finley mismatched eyes looked straight into her red ones. His face was struck with fear but soon relaxed as his once bright eyes faded into dull colors. Amy gasps softly as she just witnessed how Finley was being manipulated. Amy took a step back, she finally figured it out. She was in a memory, it had to be Finley's. Seeing the young boy only nod sadly crushed Amy inside. "I'm the only one that knows you didn't mean too. Everyone misses the Queen dearly, just imagine how everyone will look at you if they ever found out..." The maid spoke, her words seemed to weigh heavily on the boys mind.

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