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"Neal, we need your expertise," Peter said. Neal knew very well that this was more than a casual question coming. He sat in one of the interview rooms with cameras and audio recordings, with Peter on the other side of the table and Kramer hovering. It did not take much to realize this setting was Kramer's doing.

Neal leaned forward, getting closer to the microphone.

"That's what I'm here for."

"Great. Let's say that you're in possession of a masterpiece that disappeared seventy years ago." Peter's tone of voice made a chill along Neal's spine. He now knew for sure that he was a suspect.

"Like a Degas?" he asked.


"You can imagine that, right, Neal?" Kramer asked as he passed behind Neal's back.

"Enjoying the fantasy as we speak, sir."

"Too bad it can't last," Peter said.

"Why not?"

"Because the painting's hot. You have to get rid of it."

"Or the feds will take me down?"

"Exactly." Peter's eyes were like stone. This was not a man preparing to bring a friend to prison. This was a man who fought to keep the friendship away. He glanced at Kramer. This man complicated things on more than one level.

Then his cell phone buzzed. He took it out and glanced at the display. It said "Meeting Rusty in 30".

"You need to take that?" Peter asked.

"Nope." He deleted the message. "So I've got a hot Degas I need to move before you take me down."

"Question is, how do you fence it?" Kramer asked.

"I don't," Neal answered. "I'd have someone fence it for me."

"Why go through a middleman?" Peter asked.

"A Degas appearing after all this time is going to be greeted with a healthy amount of skepticism," Neal explained.

"People will assume it's a forgery," Kramer mumbled.

"Yeah, they usually are," Neal agreed. "So I'd need someone with an impeccable reputation to make the sale. You want me to ask around?"

"Actually, Kramer's team already has two suspects in mind."

"Thorough." And proof that they no longer trusted him. But if they thought he had the Degas, why would they?

"This is Gus Leland." Kramer placed a file before him. "Deals exclusively in French impressionists, recently returned to New York."

"I know Gus. He always has quality work. He definitely fits the bill."

"Second guy is known as Rusty." A new file was placed before him. "Renowned for an impeccable eye at spotting forgeries."

"Yeah," Neal agreed. "He's suspected of brokering the black-market sale of Matisse's 'La pastorale' last year."

"Yeah," Peter said. "And it's also rumored he recently sold a high-priority painting here."

"Tell me, Neal," Kramer said, towering on the other side of the table by Peter's side. "When you fence your Degas, who are you gonna use?"

Neal felt a slight panic. He wouldn't have used any of them. But that would look like a diversion.

"Rusty's got the local contacts," he said. He glanced at Kramer, who looked like he was about to spring a trap. Neal looked Peter square in the eye. "I'd go with Rusty."

White Collar: An unofficial novel - part 14Where stories live. Discover now