Chapter one

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I stalked through the warm night. The bright moon made my wolf forums white pelt shine like diamonds. I looked like a ghostly figure as I raced through the trees in silence. I lived in the northern packs camp. The northern half of Oak Hill. The Southern half held my packs enemy. The Southern pack. All the wolves there are mean and tough. Yes, my pack is tough but we are friendlier. Except me. I'm the outcast of my clan. I hang alone. I can be dark at times. But yes I do talk when I'm not shy. My human forum has blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. My body is slim and nicely curved. I get attention for a lot of boys. But since my wolf hasn't told me any of them are my mate I don't flirt back to a single one. My two best friends are Gwen and Jasper. Actually they are my two only friends. In my pack. My other friend is Mitchell. He lives in the Southern pack though. But he is an outcast like me. Mitchell is a totally sweet heart! Tomorrow is the first day of school since summer is over. I am a full warrior now since I'm not a hunter for my pack. Now my wolf will tell me if I have found my mate or not!

The creek ran slowly through the middle of our camp. It heads west to east! The school that all we're wolves go to is smack in the middle of the two camps. It's the only place where the two packs and get along. Or so they say. Fights still show up here and there. The cabins we live in are cozy. All the cabins in both packs look alike. Small wooden cabins with a small front porch. The inside has its entrance then the living room. The living room is equipped with a fire place for heat, a couch, coffee table and a rocking chair. Our kitchens are small mainly because we all eat the game we hunt in the forest. It does have a stove though. Just in case you wanna cook your meat. Then there is four bed rooms. All the same unless you decorate them. Each one has a mirror, dresser, bed and night stand along with a closet. The bathroom isn't anything exciting so I won't explain.

I guess your wondering what both camps look like? Ok, fine I will tell you. The Northern pack camp. So my home, has very many coniferous tress growing there along with maple trees. The trees and bushes here are clusters together. Mostly so that the Southern clan can't see in our camp. Unfortunately that means they can hide amongst our territory. So we are well guarded with well trained or in training warriors. We have a dirt road that leans north and south, out and in of Oak Hill. It goes right through the southern camp as well. It leads to the school also. It's like our path. We have a creek in the middle of our camp that goes from west to east. It does not even go close to touching the southern camp. Also all our cabins are on either side of the road, same goes for on the southern side. Ok, now onto the Southern camp. I have only seen it once so my memory is foggy. I do remember the pine trees that grow there are much more space out. Everything is a littler darker there. We think that's why they get there snarky attitude. They have a small pond with a boulder smack middle of there camp. That's where the call there pack meetings. Oh by the way, we call our pack meetings down by the creek! Anyways, also the southern side has a high supply of berry bushes growing which gives there camp more protection. But we still can't spy as hide amongst there bushes and few trees.

Now I guess I should tell you about Warriors and Hunters. As myself I chose to be a Warrior. This means I must fight and protect the clan. It doesn't mean I can't hunt for myself, but I don't hunt for the pack! I mostly practice fighting in my spare time. Hunters, well the name basically explains it all! You hunt for the clan! You can still fight in wars that break out between the two packs! But more so the Warriors can handle that!

I woke up fresh and ready to start school once again. I packed my back pack with everything I would need. Just then I heard a light knock on my door.

"Come in!" I said brightly. I was more bright than normal. Probably because I am now able to find my mate! Also I get to see Mitchell again!

"Hey Rox, you almost ready? Your looking beautiful today!" Gwen giggled! For being my best friend! The dark and gloomy one of the friendly Northern pack, my best friend was probably the bubbliest girl I know!

"Yea, I'm ready! Don't forget we have to get to our lockers extra earlier to pack things away before class. Also I need to meet up with Mitchell!" I said while picking up my bag and doing a last look over myself. I was wearing a white v-neck with nicely fitted jeans! Gwen had her long curly hair pulled to one side. She wore her classic blue shirt and black leggings with her knee high leather boots. We walked out of my cabin and down the dirt road to find Jasper. I saw Jasper and smiled. He was my child hood friend. Gwen was suddenly gone from my side and next thing I knew her legs wrapped around Jasper's hips and hugging him tightly. He was holding her up by mid thigh.

"Errr, you two have something to tell me?" I asked approaching them with one of my eye brows raised in question. Gwen blushed a deep red and released herself from Jasper's hold. But still Jasper kept and arm wrapped around her waist.

"Gwen and I are mates!" Jasper said happily kissing the top of Gwen's head. Jason had blonde hair and stunning green eyes. He was tall. Much taller than Gwen for sure! He had lots of muscle though and a nice set of abs! But no way in hell I was interested in my best friend. Also since Jasper was full Warrior and Gwen was now a full Hunter they could find there mate! I wondered why I hadn't found mine! I mean this guy named Harley tried convincing me I was his mate but I know it wasn't true. My wolf would have told me, plus my enemy Scarlet is probably his mate. She always is around him trying stuff on him! She was popular and I was well um a loner. So I was surprised when Harley tried to convince me. He probably only wanted me to believe it so he could say he has a full Warrior as his mate especially because he was a Hunter and so is Scarlet!

Gwen, Jasper and I walked to school together. More like I was walking alone. The two newly happy couple kept kissing, hold hands, and having tickle fights. I huffed and walked faster. I didn't have anyone. My parents died in a fight between the two packs. They broke a rule for having a mate in another pack. It seemed to happen to all my ancestors. But I hoped it wouldn't happen to me, causing another war would be terrible! I didn't want to lose anyone that I loved or cared about!

I walked to my locker! I had to drag Gwen behind me. She didn't want to leave Jasper's side! But they didn't have classes together except Math so I had to drag her away from him. I scanned the school for Mitchell but no luck came to me. I sighed and stuffed my bag into my locker. Pulling out my science text books I began my slow painful day. Gwen patterned off to P.E.

Just as I was about to enter my class I was tackled to a locker by someone. My Warrior instinct took over and I growled throwing the person across the hall way! I was shocked when I saw it was Mitch!

"Oh my gosh Mitch I am so sorry! I didn't know it was you!" I blurted hugging him tightly. Mitch chuckled. He hugged me tightly. He has black hair with bright blue eyes! He has a well muscled body and he was tall! I mean I was tall but Mitchell was even taller than me!

He pulled back and smiled at me. I giggled not looking up yet. But when I looked into his eyes my wolf came to life and told me.

"He is ours!"


What did you guys think? Please tell me what you think! Next chapter we will find out....

*if Mitchell thinks Roxy is his mate as well

*who Scarlet and Harley are

*what Gwen thinks of the whole situation






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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2013 ⏰

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