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Fearful echoes of the past resounded in my mind as I grappled with the proposal before me. It felt eerily reminiscent of the time when Kabir's father and my own had orchestrated our ill-fated union. The wounds from that experience were still fresh, and the fear of history repeating itself loomed over me like a dark cloud. The memory of a forced marriage, a partnership built on manipulation, flashed before my eyes, and I couldn't shake the haunting thought that I might be thrust into a similar fate once again.

I needed an escape from the weighty atmosphere inside, so I hastily made my way toward the main gate that led to the serene garden outside. 

Surprisingly, Yash followed, closing the distance between us with each step.

I couldn't hold back the questions any longer. "Yash, do you know anything about this proposal? Did your father discuss it with you?"

Yash shook his head, genuine surprise in his eyes. "No, Tara, I had no idea. This is as unexpected for me as it is for you. I knew our family were meeting for dinner but I had no clue regarding the proposal"

A cynical smile played on my lips. "Well, get ready for the predictable. My father won't refuse a proposal from such a powerful business; it benefits him too. I feel like a pawn in his game. First, he orchestrated a marriage with Kabir, and now this – a calculated move for money and power. He wouldn't even bother asking me what I want."

I hugged myself as the cool night breeze sent shivers down my spine, my bare arms covered in goosebumps. Desperate for warmth, I wrapped my arms around myself, trying to create some semblance of comfort. Yash, observant as always, noticed my struggle and without a word, he took off his jacket, offering it to me. I took it gratefully, a silent "thank you" escaping my lips. The jacket enveloped me in a shield against the cold, and for a moment, the night felt a bit less daunting.

Yash looked at me with a sincere expression, "I am sorry, this must be so overwhelming for you."

I nodded, feeling the weight of the situation. "It's a lot to process, Yash. I never imagined I'd be dealing with this."

He took a deep breath, "We need to figure out how to stop this. There has to be a way."

I sighed, "I know, but it's not going to be easy. It feels like I'm stuck in the middle of a complicated mess."

Yash reached for my hand, "You're not alone in this. We'll find a solution together."

I hesitated, then confessed, "Yash, I can't deny that there's something between us. But I'm so confused. Was it just a heat-of-the-moment thing?"

He looked into my eyes, searching for answers, "I felt it too, but I want to know what you truly feel. Do you see a future with me, despite everything?"

I sighed again, torn between duty and desire, "I can't ignore the fact that I might have to marry for the sake of my family. But I also want someone who genuinely cares for me. Yash, are you that person?"

Yash tightened his grip on my hand, "I care about you more than I can express. Whatever happens, we'll face it together. But I need to know, do you feel the same way?"

I met his gaze, uncertain but hopeful, "I think I do, Yash. I just need time to figure it all out."

A subtle smile played on Yash's lips as he looked at me, and I couldn't help but wonder what thoughts were crossing his mind.

"There's something I need to tell you, Tara," he began, his eyes revealing a depth of emotion. "It wasn't at the award ceremonies that I first saw you. It was during your first year back in college."

I raised an eyebrow, surprised, "First year? I didn't even notice you back then."

Yash chuckled softly, "You were in the college cafeteria, headphones on, completely immersed in some project. I liked you even then."

My eyes widened, and a sudden realization hit me. "That was years ago. But why didn't you ever say anything?"

Yash sighed, "I wanted to, but I found out you were with Kabir. I distanced myself, thinking it was for the best."

I was taken aback, my heart pounding as I absorbed this revelation. Yash had liked me for so long, and he never showed it.

"I really like you, Tara," Yash confessed, and in that moment, the air seemed charged with an unspoken connection.

As he leaned in for a kiss, a mix of emotions surged within me. I forgot about the proposal, my uncertainty about Yash, and everything else. All that mattered was Yash. I nodded silently, giving him permission.

The kiss started slow, tender, but soon it deepened. I lost myself in the moment, my hands finding their way into his hair. Time seemed to stand still.

Then, a sudden realization hit me like a jolt. "Rajveer," I gasped, pulling away abruptly.

Yash looked shocked, his eyes searching mine. "What's wrong?" he asked, concern etched on his face.

"Rajveer," I repeated, breathless. "Rajveer is your brother."

"Yes, he is my brother."

"But why didn't you tell me?"

"Bhai told me not to tell you about us."

"But why?" Yash just shrugged.

Realizing the need to talk to Rajveer and clear any misunderstandings, I excused myself from Yash's embrace. There were things to be addressed, decisions to be made.

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