Chapter 22

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She'd witnessed and learned so much over the past months that the incredulous story she was hearing made perfect sense. Tara was full of emotion as she listened to Fiona's speech pattern and watched her body language. There was no denying the resemblance. Dennis, on the other hand, hadn't spent the hours in study of the mystical arts like Tara and he required a more in-depth explanation. Even with all that had happened he had a difficult time grasping things.

"Never mind," Tara said as she patted her brother's hand. "It'll all make sense someday." "How are ya feeling, truly?" Fiona asked Tara.

"I feel fantastic," she replied. "It's nothing like when I first arrived. I was off from the minute we...err... landed and I grew progressively weaker. Except for, let me think, there was a time when I felt a little more like myself, but I can't put my finger on just when it was."

Realizing the risk in encouraging Tara to remember the time when she was in Joshua's grasp, Fiona quickly changed the subject.

"Ya could be her twin, ya know," Fiona said warmly. "I wonder if I was such a close match."

Tara studied Fiona closely. She was younger by at least thirty years, but there was a very strong resemblance. She did her best to add years to Fiona's facial expression and a few pounds to her physique and nodded.

"Yes, I can see it," Tara said with delight. "I think if we were able to get our hands on some photos of Maggie in her younger years we'd have a pretty good match."

"At least I got something right," Fiona said with a smile.

Tara frowned.

"You're being far too hard on yourself, Fiona," she said lovingly. "From all you taught me and all I remember from reading and even what I know instinctively, the veil of forgetfulness is potent. Not to mention the friction created by Balthazar while babies come to life. I think that it was a miracle you managed as well as you did. Think about it. We both found our way to the right house in the right area at about the same time. Then we found each other and made friends and I became your student. I think that if Dominic hadn't shown up and thrown a monkey wrench in it all, we would have succeeded."

"A monkey wrench?" Fiona said with confusion.

"Sorry, I forgot. That's a term you enjoyed in the future. It means to mess things up," Tara chuckled.

"Oh," Fiona laughed.

Tara grew somber when she asked, "You don't remember the future, do you?"

"Some," Fiona replied, "but not much." She shrugged her shoulders, "'Tis probably for the best."

"I loved you," Tara muttered.

"I loved ya too. That much I do remember," she lied for she barely remembered Tara. Standing up and stretching in a cat-like manner, Fiona added, "Now, if ya will all excuse me, I'd like to check on me Lucy."

"Can I join you?" Tara stood up in anticipation.

"And me?" Dennis joined in.

Fiona studied the siblings closely, uncertain what to do. With the exception of Brandon, Lucy's resting place was kept secret. The more people who knew of it, the more dangerous her situation became.

"I'm not sure about that," Fiona shook her head. "I have kept her safe because I have kept her resting place a secret."

"She's me, isn't she? If she's not then she's my great aunt who I look exactly like," Tara's voice expressed her need to go with Fiona.

Hesitating and insecure about her decision, Fiona nodded and motioned for them to follow.

As they reached the door, she stopped short.

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