Chapter 5 (Inc Flashback)

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flashback #2
Carrying on from flashback #1

"Sorry you go first" I say

"No you" Rose says back

I smile "I just wondered if you needed another drink" I ask

"I'd love one" she says as we both make our way to the kitchen, smiling at the silly moment we had.

We enter the kitchen and she makes her way over to the drinks cabinet.

She starts looking through as I stand and wait awkwardly before deciding to sit at the near dining table.

"Now do you drink wine or perhaps a cider?" She asks

"Wine will be fine thank you" I say as she nods and pulls out a bottle.

She walks over to me as she starts to pour the liquid into our glasses.

"So your Elizabeth's Cousin then?" I ask trying to work out the relation

"Well, yes I call her my cousin, but we are not actually related at all. Our Parents are the ones who are close so I find myself over here a lot" she smiles as she sits next to me at the empty dining table.

She manoeuvres herself so that we can easily talk to each other and her knee brushes mine.

"Oh sorry-" she starts but stops as we both lean forward in order to move our dresses out of each others way.

I look up at her to see why she stoped talking only to realise that our heads are practically touching. I look at her face and I realise just how beautiful she is. Her eyes are the most amazing shade of blue and her lips are the sweetest red.

I realise i've been scanning her face for a second too long as I blush and pull away, moving back to a respectable distance.

We both clear our throats awkwardly and she must have decided to just leave her leg where it is as she does nothing to move it from mine anymore.

"So" she says, I look at her and notice the pink dusting her cheeks "Your brother seems to have hit a nerve with the others"

It takes me a minute to register her words before I nod "oh, yes. Unfortunately for me I seem to have a brother everyone's attracted to" I say with a laugh as I glance into my wine glass

She laughs back "seems that way" she adds

"Do you have anyone like that?" She asks me and I look up from my drink, surprised

"" I say

She clearly sees that I'm uncomfortable because she jumps to apologise

"No, no it's ok" I say as I clear my throat "no. I don't have anyone I'm courting" I say as I lick my lips "what about you?" I ask

It feels like an eternity of waiting for her answer and when it comes it is not at what i wanted.

"I'm to be engaged" she tells me and I try to mask my feelings as I nod

"Well, congratulations in advance" I say as she smiles and I grab her hand

I almost pull away at the feeling of her hand in mine. It feels....

I quickly set my sights on what I had intended to look at when i picked up her hand- where the stone will be on her left hand.

"You must be so happy" I say as I keep my eyes on where her ring will be.


"Ah, girls there you are" Elizabeth says as she rounds the corner.

I quickly drop Rosalie's hand as it falls onto my lap, unintentionally.

We both look at Elizabeth and the others.

"We were just about to play some games- we will be in the other room if you want to join us" she says, smiling as she walks away

"We will be right there" Rose says as we watch her figure retreat.

I turn my face to look at Rose again and I notice her hand that's still sat on my knee.

I carefully pick it up again which causes her to look back at me. I do something that i would come to consider our first step.

She sits up straighter as I kiss her knuckles. It's something a man would usually do when he finds himself leaving a woman's company. I don't know what made me decide to do it.

I press my lips to her hand before quickly removing them and placing her hand on the table as I stand.

"We should join the others" I speak out

"We should" she replies, but some (I hope not a nieve) part of me is screaming that both of us would rather not.

I smile at her as I leave the kitchen. The small space of the hallway is welcomed as I take a breath. What am I doing?

I stand there for a second before I take a breath and enter the living room with the other girls in, their laughter washing over me.

End of flashback

End of flashback

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